Available on DVD?

I just stumbled upon this movie and have kind of gotten curious. Is it available on DVD anywhere? Apparently it is in Germany but I couldn't find any further info. Please help!


It is available on DVD, you can order it through Vivásvan, Hinter den Garten 24, 31180 Giesen, or buy it at the VideoDrom Shop in Berlin.



Thanks a lot for the speedy answer to my question! Since I am not from Germany the only way for me to buy the DVD would be by ordering it.

I discovered their website this morning and wrote an email to [email protected]. Du you know if that address is still active? I haven't received a reply yet (which doesn't have to mean anything of course).


I'm not sure but it seems as if their E-mail address isn't active any longer, and the web site hasn't been updated in a while. I ordered the DVD through André Schneider's Yahoo Group, though.


Hello skinmeister,

you can order the DVD through [email protected], or via snail mail: Vivàsvan, Hinter den Gärten 24, 31180 Giesen, Germany.



Thanks for your replies, guys!!!

I'll make sure to contact them and get myself a copy.


i got it in a videoshop in berlin. i figure you can order it online as well.


Just one problem for us people in the USA though, it's region 2 and won't play on standard DVD players here. I just found that out right now...!




my recorder takes everything. lucky me.


I just watched "Deed Poll" this afternoon. Strong
stuff...not for the weak or the meek, more of a man's movie but he
better know the ways of the world! Definitely not to be viewed in
polite company, or among nice ladies! Good visuals, and strong
performances, but..."in your face decadence", sex & nudity (both men &
women), with savagery and cynicism as the final themes. Grim film...


