i post it again

silly question, sorry, but what did orlando bloom have to do with this movie ? if he had anything to do with it at all i mean. ive read so many different & strange things on the net and im confused. can anybody help me ? thanks.



basically, back in about 2001 andre made up a little lie about knowing orlando bloom and maybe starring with him in an up coming film. andre later said (years later, i assume, though i'm not 100% sure) that fans created the 'deed poll' film that once appeared on imdb pages, starring both andre & orlando. when the truth came out, however, andre decided to make the film for real. the rest, as they say, is history.


Until Orlando went to work for Disney, Andre insisted that they had made the film. Then all of a sudden, when POTC was about to come out, Atti said 'Noooo I've never met Mr. Bloom and we never made the movie.' I actually knew a couple of people on a message board in about 2001 who claimed they saw the film in Japan. Truth or fiction? You decide.


Here's the link to an 'interview' about it.

