Cell Phone Ring Tone

My question is why is Li Li using the same ring tone as Mimiko? In part one, the tone is shown to have significance to Mimiko, but none to Li Li, so why would Li Li be using it? It also seems odd that ghosts would copycat each other. Also, is Li Li simply dialing numbers at random? I understand she's near a transmitter, but since she died at least 50 years ago, she wouldn't know any cell phone numbers to call.


You are right. How would she even know what a cell phone is? I think originally the ringtone was a song that Mimko used to sing, like a nursery rhyme type. It's possible that Li Li *could* have used the song...but it's a bit of a loose end isn't it?

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it...



I just always assumed since her grave was under a telephone antenna that perhaps she just picked up on waht Mimko was up too and decided to carry on with it. Like evil detecting evil.


I gotta say you folks are doing a great job of filling in the very obvious plotholes.

The entire latter half of the movie I found myself no longer scared but obsessed with one question - Why the hell are they in Taiwan?

The ringtone, according to the first movie is from a childrens show. It's improbable that the same exact song from a childrens show in 2003(?) would be known by a little girl in a TAIWANESE MINING TOWN in the 1950s. They did so little to cover their bases in this film

anyway, that's my two bits

"As a capper I'm a natural floccinaucinihilipilifier"



havent seen the movie, but if you know music well enough you can find all kind of songs that sound alike musically so it technically speaking might not be the same song just the same tune. Listen to the tune of "My Country tis of Thee" and the tune to the traditional engish tune "God Save the Queen" Lyrically different but Musically Identical.


Long time coming to comment on this. lol

I think it's more the culture of the country who made this film. Some in America seem to only like a sequel being DIRECTLY related to the original. Here they are using the same IDEA as the first movie and changing things around.

The ring tone was so popular in the original, I guess, that in part 2 they used it again. It was used again to keep a little familiarity and maybe because it was very MEMORABLE in the first movie.
