MovieChat Forums > The Apprentice (2005) Discussion > Market research - Mr. Sugar is becoming ...

Market research - Mr. Sugar is becoming ridiculous

In one of the previous episodes, boss Sugar criticized a team for following market research feedback instead of sticking into their gut feeling. And in the last episode he slashed them for ignoring what steamed out of it. Whatever they do he’ll just find something to pin on them. They should really change the structure of the show because it’s becoming a little silly.


I don't think their samples are large enough to be reliable anyway. Standing in the middle of a busy street and asking a few people what they think =/= market research.

But you're right, he doesn't seem consistent. If he wants the contestants to use their best judgment, why bother asking strangers what they think?

Mary Kay Letournover's: using under-ripe apples for maximum freshness since 1997


The whole concept of the show is ridiculous. Do you think Alan Sugar ever developed and marketed a new idea in two days with zero experience and very little research. Of course not, but that's the fun of it.

(whisper) They have already decided who's going to win on day one, the other contestants are merely window dressing, picked to make the show interesting.


I think a lot of reality contest shows are like that. Hell's Kitchen for example. The other people are there for lulz and drama.

Mary Kay Letournover's: using under-ripe apples for maximum freshness since 1997


it is not a "real world environment". if you have a team of capable people, it is not that hard to come up with a good idea and concept in a couple of hours. all the harder parts have been layed out for them by the producers: manufacturing, designers, appointments with huge clients. to me it is actually amusing that in many tasks, all it would take would be to sit together for a couple of hours, LISTEN to each others ideas and come up with something that works. most good concepts sell themselves. instead they always let their egos get the worst of them and then try to handle DAMAGE CONTROL afterwards.

also, every season they have the same tasks, yet it seems like none of the contestants seem to be prepared.


This is what management is about... It doesn't matter WHAT you do you're WRONG when something goes wrong and that's it. Full stop.


This explains the actual, real life, Managing Director and how he thinks. They'll use ANYTHING to slam you down.

Nothing new.


That is management for him. No matter what you do you'll get a kicking.


Did you really need to bump this three times, over a space of two years, just to make the same basic point again?


I think all points made on IMDB should be bumped every two years until death.
