Tom Allen

What are people's thoughts on him on You're Fired?

After two episodes, I'm not sure I'm a fan. Spends ages trying to be funny before the contestant finally arrives. It just feels like there is too much him and not enough of the contestants.

Also, whoever decided to give the contestants a generic hand toy as a present made a poor decision in my opinion. The prize was funnier when it was tailored to the contestant.


I couldn't agree more about the generic hand thing.

In the last You're Fired/Hired episode, Sugar gave high praise to Tom Allen's work but I for one enjoyed Rhod Gilbert more.

Jack Dee (of whom I'm a huge fan) could be called the 'George Lazenby of Apprentice You're Fired' since he only did one series.


Yes, he did praise Tom. Though originally he did it to add a punchline in, but then acknowledged that he was kidding and that Tom was doing a good job.

I just can't see it myself. I get that humour is subjective, so it might just be my problem that I don't find him funny. But as I said before, there isn't enough focus on the candidates. He spends ten minutes making jokes before bringing them out.

I also enjoyed Rhod Gilbert. I wasn't keen on Jack Dee's series. I don't think his humour gelled with the show somehow. Though usually I don't mind Jack Dee, he just didn't seem to work well here.

My favourite at it was Dara o'Briain. He walked the line between poking fun at the contestants without running them down too much or promoting himself in any way. He managed to interview them but laugh at/with them at the same time.
