some TOO scary to make list???

I'm not sure if this makes sense but does anyone else feel like there are some movies that are too scary and controversial to make the list? Here are some that I was thinking of:

*High Tension
*Old Boy
*Visitor Q
*Cannibal Holocaust
*The Girl Next Door (not really horror)
*Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer
*Guinea pig movies

Anyone agree? Have movies that you feel should be added?

I see you have learned to work the Google on the internet machine.- Blades of Glory


Old Boy was on 30 Scarier Movie Moments,which was cool. I wanted more scares to be mentioned.

"Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov



I wish there was like a top 25 "not for the timid" list lol. Because there are some movies that just really f&%ks with the viewers. There are some movies I just don't have the courage to watch like Aftermath....

I see you have learned to work the Google on the internet machine.- Blades of Glory


There is usually a difference (or at least a fine line) between "scary" and just plain disgusting, gross, or disturbing.


Nurse scene from EXORCIST 3 should've been on one of these specials.

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the scene in which they are watching the video of the house murders, from Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer, made #2 in "13 Scarier Movie Moments" (2009)


I don't think OldBoy should have been on any of the list at all. Its a cool revenge movie up there with Kill Bill and the Death Wish movies. But scary movie, no way.


I've never seen Cannibal Holocaust but I've heard about it; I do think those in charge thought "now this one is just too f--ed up to be on the list.

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