Better than Ambien

The one review compared this movie to a Twilight Zone edpisode. It is actually. And it should have been done as a 30 minute episode. It took me three separate occasions to finish watching this 1 hour and 20 minute flick. The first two times I fell asleep. No kidding, it put me to sleep. It tells a decent enough story but it frickin drags on slower than a constipated turtle taking a crap. And on top of that both actors playing the main three roles all speak with the exact same monotone robotic voice, further enhancing the lethargy. Apparently my limit for watching this movie is around 25 minutes. I'm going to watch this again if I have trouble going to sleep.

Aside from the sleep inducing quality, it was filmed well. The concept/story was pretty good. The acting was.....who the Hell am I kidding? What acting? This movie seriously needs to be condensed into a short film. Otherwise, it's just a sleep aid.


I really think it depends on the viewer a bit. Some like slow films you know. I guess it's not made for the attention span of 21st century humans, but I liked this film a LOT. I thought the acting fitted the story as well, it is supposed to be about the human condition, you know?


It wasn't a bad premise at all. I liked the story itself, however getting there shouldn't be such a chore! As far as the acting goes, we'll have to agree to disagree.



"I really think it depends on the viewer a bit. Some like slow films you know. I guess it's not made for the attention span of 21st century humans"

Or maybe the OP just found the film boring, period. Just because someone finds one slow film boring doesn't mean that they only like fast paced films. You can't judge someone's attention span by one film.

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


I have enjoyed many slow and somewhat silent films. However, for some reason this film bored me. The acting, quite frankly, was terrible. The story, while somewhat intriguing, left much to be desired. What the hell was the point?

