Real shark attack on March 20

Yes its true. Just last Sunday, the same day this movie played, there was an actual shark attack in Australia. A diver was bitten in half. Read all about it.


That's very sad - shark attacks don't really happen that often - especially not so tragically. Such a good looking guy too.


Would it have been less tragic if the guy killed had been ugly?


Florida is the shark attack capital of the world, racking up 20+ annually. This is due to so many people going in the water & the aggressive type sharks there (bull, tiger etc). Keep in mind, Australia is more dangerous, as is Northern California with great whites, but I think people know better than to swim & surf etc. It is suicidal to venture out in some places in Australia, with odds of about 50/50 of making it back to the shore alive. You'd have to be a stupid ass to venture out there.


Without question!
Genetically, good looking people carry strengths better.
Asthetically, good looking people are more pleasing to have around.
Statistically, one less ugly person leaves more hotties for us all to enjoy.


thats really scary, this year i have been freaked out of sharks, it seems like there are more and more shark attacks lately, but thank god there havent been any where i live (maryland) i dont think i would go swimming anymore if there was!!

love always,



thats crazy, do you know why there are usually shark attacks in austrailia? ive heard of a few over in california, but none over here on the east coast, what gives__wow that sounds like i want a shark attack, i actually mean like how come there are so many in australia and california, and none on the east coast?

love always,



Yeah, I did a huge research paper on sharks, but I never really found why there are so many shark attacks in Australia, it might be because they have a large population of tiger sharks and great white sharks, which are by nature two of the most aggresive types of sharks. Tigers are typically very agressive and have some of the highest attack rates of any species. That's about all I can think of, and I hope it helps.


Well I'm glad that sharks still live, since a lot of fishers catch them. In Japan they make soup from there fins or vins, or how you write it. Anyway they cut off there vins when there alive and trow them back in the water ALIVE.
Stupid MURDERES. Sharks are living animals too!!
Also it doesn't happen a lot, but it's still not great to see someone attacked by a shark. I'm sorry for what happened to people that were attacked and may not have survived.


the happen in california and australia, and hawaii more often cuz the water is warmest here. on the east coast, the water is FREEZING and sharks like warm water. (i live in california, and they don't happen THAT often. maybe like, once a year?)

Eric: So I said to myself, 'Kyle,'...
Alan: Kyle?
Eric: That's what I call myself.







Adelaide is usually the place where most shark attacks happen in Aus. Cairns and further North is left to the crocs :)


There are more shark attacks in the US than in Australia ( but we have a higher fatality chance here. Having a large number of tiger and bull sharks in our waters may contribute to this statistic, as they are well known to be aggressive and bitey.
