Wasted MAX characters

Pitsy and Ink (Pitsy has an incredible fight with Frank in the comics), Maginty (now a free runner, for no sane reason I can imagine), the Bulats... all tossed away on nothing background and supporting roles. I get that the writers wanted to pay tribute to Ennis' brilliant run, but they failed completely by not allowing these characters to have any impact. The fact that the film's main villains are godawful only makes matters more frustrating. At least there wasn't a lousy three second Barracuda cameo, he'd probably have been *beep* rollerblading.



Besides LBJ and Jigsaw everyone got run through so fast, you barely even recognize them. Maginty was a very unique character with his Irish decent despite being black. I didn't mind them changing him to a parkour runner but that being his only gimmick is a major disappointment.
