MovieChat Forums > Hostel (2006) Discussion > Only very disturbed kind of people can w...

Only very disturbed kind of people can watch

films like this. By watching movies like this you will be exposing your mind to seeing horrific scenes of brutality, torture, and gore that people like you and serial killers will have in common. Serial killers also see scenes of extreme gore except they see it in real life to the victims they have murdered and sliced up. Those who love to watch these kind of movies have that much in common with serial killers. They both are witness to the kind of gore and torture that most people would never experience in their lives. By watching films like this that makes you one step closer to the mindset of a serial killer who preys upon society, often the most vulnerable and helpless of society. It is sick and depraved to look at torture and gore themselves as entertainment.



And your a perfect human being i suppose?

Go on then mate! Save all our souls from this filth!

Are you a church going person by any chance?

I suppose if you had your way, you'd have everyone who saw this film locked up or have them face death by the electric chair.

What films do you like to watch? I think some of us here would be interested.


You're a *beep* retard.

Sorry, but anyone who thinks a movie can turn someone into a serial killer is *beep* retarded. People don't watch movies like Hostel because they enjoy seeing people getting tortured, they watch them because they want to be shocked. There's nothing wrong with that. Horror movie should scare OR shock.

It is sick to think a movie can have such an impact on someone. It is sick to think that people could become crazy so easily. It is sick to think that people who like gore (millions of people) are sick in the head. Serial killers are already sick in the head, they don't become sick in the head because of a *beep* movie.

"What films do you like to watch? I think some of us here would be interested"

He also watched Eden Lake! Weird... The guy calls those who watch those movies disturbed and he watches them himself...


"Sorry, but anyone who thinks a movie can turn someone into a serial killer is *beep* retarded."

It has happened before. People have been influenced by films to kill people in the same way the people were killed in the movie. There are many cases.

"It is sick to think a movie can have such an impact on someone."

It can and it does. Take a look at television and how easily it gets people to buy products.

"He also watched Eden Lake! Weird... The guy calls those who watch those movies disturbed and he watches them himself..."

I don't watch it the same way. I am not entertained by them. I have to study them to see what their effect is on people. Without seeing them myself I wouldn't know what I'm talking about would I?


"Without seeing them myself I wouldn't know what I'm talking about would I?"

You don't know what you're talking about anyway. Besides, the effect a movie has on you doesn't tell you the effect it has on EVERYONE. You're just extremely close minded. You think a movie is sick, so you think everyone who likes it is sick in the head. I like gory movies, so I'm sick in the head? That's why I almost fall unconscious everytime I see blood in real life? They're just *beep* movies. So many people like them (not for the reasons that you think) and a lot of them are very nice people who would never hurt anyone.

"It has happened before. People have been influenced by films to kill people in the same way the people were killed in the movie. There are many cases"

That's because they were already sick in the head. The only people who can be influenced to kill by movies are those who shouldn't even be allowed to watch movies, they should be in psychiatric hospitals.

"Take a look at television and how easily it gets people to buy products."

Wow, this might be the most pathetic argument I've ever heard. You're comparing buying products because they're advertised on TV to killing people because people are killed in movies?



I watched the film Happiness on TV a few years ago. I knew the film dealt with the issue of sexual abuse of children beforehand. But either way! I still chose to watch the film.

Now the interesting bit!

I've always felt horrifide by sexual abuse of children(as we all are) and much to my amazment, within only about two weeks of viewing the film, i had realised that i had infact sexually abused over 132.000 children in the space of a single week after watching the film......

I was shocked and ashamed with myself. And then i realised!...........Watching Happiness had made me do this. I couldn't believe watching a film could make me commit such awfull crimes.

Then the following year i watched Home Alone on TV....And within a week of watching Home Alone i had gone out and broke into over two million homes across the US and the UK and stole various people's furniture and electric's......And then it dawned on me once again........It was watching Home Alone that made me do that.

You see my point here Eddie?

You could apply your small church going/do gooding mind to any film that contains any remotely negative content.

Now shut up and grow the fck up you pathetic fool!


"You see my point here Eddie? "

That's called "anecdotal evidence". My argument was that in the general sense these kind of movies numb people to gore not that everyone who watches these movies become murderers.


I go to Church and I love watching disturbing, gory films!! Reading the above, seems like Eddie isn't the only closed-minded person in this thread.


Rambo, Commando, Taken, action films like this. By watching movies like this you will be exposing your mind to seeing horrific scenes of brutality, torture and gore that people like you and war criminals will have in common. War criminals also see scenes of extreme gore except they see it in real life to the victims they have shot and killed and executed in places like Iraq. Those who love to watch these kinds of movies have that much in common with war criminals. They both are witness to the kinds of gore and torture that most people would never experience in their lives. By watching films like this that makes you one step closer to the mindset of a war criminal who preys upon innocent civilians, often vulnerable helpless people who had their homes destroyed by conflict. It is sick and depraved to look at gun violence and action themselves as entertainment.

Or how about we look at it another way?

Goodfellas, Casino, etc. By watching movies like this you will be exposing your mind to seeing horrific scenes of brutality, torture and gore that people like you and mafia gangsters will have in common. Mafia gangsters also see scenes of extreme gore except they see it in real life to the victims they have murdered and buried in a shallow grave...

In short, Eddie4478, you need to learn the difference between watching a film, and acting it out in real life. Here's a hint, after watching Casino, I didn't go out and crush someone's head in a vice, or beat anyone to death with a baseball bat. I also didn't kill a Dutch man in a train station bathroom after watching Hostel.

He fixes the cable


I don't see the point in this thread as you are not making any sense at all. Next thing you will tell us that if we play too many violent video games (for example GTA, Doom etc), we will become violent people, wanting to blow up everyone in sight, and go out hijacking cars. What you are stating in your thread, is the exact same mentality as "oddballs" that believe violent video games influence people to become violent. Your theory is deeply flawed and very naive.

Fitter, happier, more productive




Graham Chapman who killed John Lennon

Psst...I think you mean Mark Chapman.

GRAHAM Chapman is actually a very hilarious man from Monty Python fame...who sadly is dead now, although I don't think he'd be too pleased with you besmirching his name!

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity


I agree with the OP. A lot of people think your argument is silly but you are right, serial criminals start out by watching movies with explicit violence and sexual content in them and then they make it a reality. Watching these kinds of movies can really have an affect on you... if you let it. Life is all about choices.

Of course most people are not going to agree with you but don't let that affect your opinion, you are right. I like all kinds of movies, comedies, horror, thrillers, action and family movies but I did not like Hostel and it was disturbing. There is seriously something wrong with people who are entertained by these kinds of movies and like seeing a girls eye ball hanging on her face. I will admit though, I don't find a lot of horror movies that disturbing but this one definitely was.


You're wrong, actually, cearaelizabeth. Studies have been done on people who have committed mass murders and serial killers where scientists map out their brain patterns... Normal people are shown a series of disturbing images, to which their brain shows the proper emotions such as horror, disgust, etc. But when psychopaths are shown the same images their brains show completely different reactions than how a normal brain should respond.

I really wish I had the name of the study in front of me.. It was in a book recently. Columbine by Dave Cullen. He believes that the 2 Columbine killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were in fact psychopaths (well, he states Eric was, Dylan was a depressive and easily influenced by Eric). During the writing of his book he spoke to and interviewed the man that performed those brain studies on convicted serial killers.. The whole thing was fascinating.

In short, violent movies absolutely do not make murderers. Its true that someone stupid or just plain sick can watch a movie that glamorizes gore, torture and violence and then decide to recreate it, but that is so extremely rare its kind of ridiculous. No one knows fully what makes a psychopath, but it most likely has to do with some kind of brain chemistry coupled with the environment in how someone is raised.


I don't blame movies for anything. I wasn't saying that I did, I was saying that there are some sick people who not only get entertained by these kind of movies but they want to go and act them out. I hate it when people blame movies for people's actions. A movie can't make someone go out and start killing people. I think what makes a psychopath is just the simple fact that they want to hurt people, they get a joy out of it. So I probably should of said "some serial killers" instead of making it seem like EVERY SINGLE ONE. But I definitely think movies can have an affect on people.

I'm not sure about that being "rare". For my English class we studied serial killers and almost every single one (the male serial killers) had family issues and watched porn. I don't think "violent movies make murders" but I do think people get ideas from movies.


^^ Your post makes no sense. The OP was implying that anyone who watches these types of movies is a sick human being. Basically talking down to anyone who watched these types of movies. He didn't even specify "anyone who enjoys this type of movie" He clearly generalized and said "anyone who can watch this is sick" well by that token, I guess he is sick too because he watched it. You clearly said "OP I agree with you, your opinion is right" Really? How can someone's opinion (a stupid one at that) be right? Then you take your words back and say that you didn't mean that.

Then you say "But I definitely think movies can have an affect on people"

Who gives a s hit! ANYTHING CAN HAVE AN AFFECT ON ANYONE GIVEN THE RIGHT SITUATION OR MINDSET. Like someone else said, the guy who murdered John Lennon, said he was personally influenced by reading the book "The Catcher in the Rye" So do you suggest that nobody reads books anymore either?

I seriously hate people like the OP. So damn close-minded, so sensitive so touchy about everything. They blow everything out of proportion. Stfu.


cearaelizabeth - And you claim that anyone that can watch Hostel without being disgusted is disturbed.
Well I watched it, with no problem at all, and I must say I'm in no way disturbed.
I've never had a fantasy about killing anyone and movies most certainly don't make me want to kill.
The most I got from this movie was a nightmare one night about being in the situation of some of the tortured individuals.
People like you, make me sick.
Calling someone disturbed because they can enjoy torturous films.

Spartan Synthetic Reality Lieutenant
Killin' Services Inc.
Gamertag - KSIxK Garnett5x


^^ You might want to address that to whoever you were talking about or post it underneath their comment instead of mine. Considering I feel the same way about you, it makes it look like you're addressing that to me.


^ Better?

Spartan Synthetic Reality Lieutenant
Killin' Services Inc.
Gamertag - KSIxK Garnett5x


^ Much better, thank you.


People like you, make me sick. Calling someone disturbed because they can enjoy torturous films.

If the shoe fits... wear it.

OP is right on the money. Human beings who draw pleasure, entertainment and/or fulfillment from the nauseous brutalization of other human beings has severe psychological issues.

Hostel is the only movie I can think of that made me physically sick to my stomach, watching things so twisted and vile on just about every level imaginable.

Truly disgusting.



If the shoe fits... wear it.
OP is right on the money.
sick to my stomach

As you're such a fan of platitudes, how about, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

Putting aside the fact that you willingly chose to watch the notoriously violent and tasteless Hostel, I see that you apparently had no problem with Dirty Harry, another film about a sadist murdering innocent people and a man who takes revenge. The difference between the treatment of violence in these films is that DH wasn't able to show the violence graphically, not that there was none. Hence the violence goes down easier and is arguably more insidious in terms of innuring the viewer to its implications. The core vicarious thrill is identical. So how much pleasure, entertainment and/or fulfillment did you gain from Dirty Harry and all those other soothingly violent films, I wonder, you sick *beep*?

Oh whisky, leave me alone.


Because humans weren't violent before "Hostile" and "Grand Theft Auto", right?
Such derpiness.


See my post, and note that serial killers already have something wrong with them psychologically that has nothing to do with what films they watch. The film doesn't MAKE the serial killer. If that were so we'd all be blindly immitating everything we see.

Being entertained by a film does not mean you actually want to see someone hurt in real life. Because we know it's a film.


That's called "anecdotal evidence". My argument was that in the general sense these kind of movies numb people to gore not that everyone who watches these movies become murderers.

I agree

If you win,you win..If you lose,you still win..


I don't really even think that these movies numb people to gore. I mean I love movies like Hostel and Saw and everything like that but honestly, if I were to see a car accident on the side of the road I'd feel like puking. I can watch these things cause I know they are fake, I watch Saw mostly for the fact that it's a revenge thing...punishing people in extreme ways for being total bastards.

In fact, while I was writing this I was watching a real life injury on TV much like the trap in Saw IV where the girl gets scalped. I can watch the MOVIE just fine but seeing the actual thing made me feel like I was going to toss my cookies! I can't see blood or vomit or anything in real life without freaking the hell out! I think these movie desensitize us to gore in OTHER MOVIES but not in real life.


[Worst possible twist for Saw VI]

Jigsaw's younger brother Hacksaw is introduced...


am i the only person who saw that there is no such book as catcher in the EYE?


I've watched Silence of the Lambs, doesn't make me wanna kidnap girls and hide my penis between my legs.

Everyone's different - some people will be affected by movies like this, but others (myself included) can differ between reality and fiction.

