Sad movie.

I have never seen the movie before so I'm curious. Will this film make me emotional? I've seen the trailer and loved that Djimoun or however you spell his name is looking for his son. I love some films that have the father trying to save his son. Those kind of dramas. But anyway, will this movie make me cry or anything? ON a scale of 1-10, 1 being bad and 10 being really crying, which will Blood Diamond hit?


I dunno haha; the 'emotion scale' is different for every person. But I CAN tell you that when the movie came out to theaters, most people agreed on this board -- myself included -- that this is one of the cases where the trailers capture the feel and tone of the movie itself pretty accurately. So what you see in the trailer is most likely what you will get in the actual movie.

I really like this movie; you should give it a chance!
