Am I alone... thinking that this isn't an absolutely fantastic film? I thought DiCaprio was good, Connelly not, and the film itself only standard. It's by no means a bad film, I was just quite disappointed.

I feel the need to say don't bother replying if you're going to be abusive and not respect a person's opinion!


Connelly's character was badly written (too stereotypically idealistic, some of her responses made her sound stupid) and she was not in half of the movie. She did the best she could with it though.


If you're going to undertake a job that is more of a cause than a job, you need to be highly idealistic and relentless. That's how I saw her.
She was desperate to get the someone to provide proof of what was going on, after years of trying without success. Finally, she meets Archer who is involved in the illegal diamond trade and she does all she can to get him to give her information but he's a tough cookie with traumatic past experiences which make him as determined as she is to acomplish his own agenda.

I love this film and I think the chemistry between Leo and Jennifer as well as Leo's with Djimon is great. I'd love to see Leo working with Jennifer again and with Djimon too.


This is a good film and not a great one. It's mainstream commercial production done with real creative mind.


This movie was epic.
