MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Always a 'must stop and watch' when this...

Always a 'must stop and watch' when this is on!

One of my favorite movies of all time. I have no idea how this movie wasn't nominated for an Oscar. All the performances were awesome and award worthy as well! And not to mention one heck of a tear jerker!!!


Couldn't agree with you more, KaresnSXOXO. Just posted my view on a different thread here, about having a different ending I believe. Check it out.

Just caught it again for the jillionth time and just love the music background to it, just the tip of the iceberg of the many things I enjoy about this movie.

BTW> This music stopped me dead in my tracks, just recently, while being subjected to listening to a BOEING commercial! Of all the dang things... Just hate,hate,hate it that they took it from this movie. Really peeves me. BUT what can you do, right?!

