MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > I don´t get Danny´s train of thought.......

I don´t get Danny´s train of thought.....or Coetzee´s.

The deal goes bad and he owns Coetzee money. Coetzee expects the diamond. Archer embarks on his mission and asked if he will steal it"That diamond is my ticket of this godforsaken continent."

He meets Coetzee at the base,confirm it´s real and exits the tent. If Coetzee wanted that diamond,he would give Danny what gear he would need,right? Obviously not. Danny asks Maddy to distract a soldier so he can sneak in the tent and steal some unspecified things,a GPS being one of them.

He then calls it in at the rebel camp so Coetzee can kill them....why? This seems like a plot device just to create another big set-piece where our protagonists are not in REAL CINEMATIC danger,like the first.

Dia,the "reason they´re there" is down there,probably. Gonna risk killing him?Can Danny make up his mind,keep it our split it with Coetzee? He could´ve just flown with Coetzee to where it was hidden and skipped all this back and forth....what was all sneaking around in the bush for days with Solomon about?

The colonel is not much more logical. Sure,he is greedy,he already is rich but still...-"We think Archer´s down there. -"I don´t care who´s down there,kill them all!" Right...the guy is onto something you will later go on a personal trip for and be ready to kill for and you don´t care if he´s snuffed out before that can happen.

Danny meets Coetzee and think they might be shot in the head....great business he gives up the boy he just killed people to save. He rescued him for Solomon,not to have a bargaining chip so it seems abit out of character... Danny seemed to like improvising,I give him that.

Only thing about this part that resonates is that the man who says Danny never will leave Africa is the guy who ends up making that a fact.
