MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > why critics didn´t liked this movie?

why critics didn´t liked this movie?

I really loved and is one of my favorite movies... But I just saw it is rated with a 64 and a 62 in RT, why it was not received so well by critics? did I miss something? I would give this movie atleast an 84


Yeah. I was just thinking the same thing!


you probably like indian movies, this was like them, exaggerated emotions and pretentious nonsense.


Because politically correct social justice warriors don't like the fact that black people kill and enslave each other naturally.


except this isn't all..oops

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Because politically correct social justice warriors don't like the fact that black people kill and enslave each other naturally.

Or the diamond companies don't like the movie and don't like the people who made the movie...


Because RT is useless.


Critics are stupid and pretentious. What matters is whether the average person finds a movie entertaining.


It was very Hollywood, let's put it that way. Cliche characters with inconsistencies, cheesy moments, overuse of action and shaky-cam, gunfights breaking out in nearly every emotional scene or when they think the audience is bored. I was expecting more considering the viewer rating but the critics head it right on the head with this one, 6-7/10.


Critics might have had problems with the screenplay,which I could agree with,its reach certainly exceeded its grasp and it bit off more then it could chew. A story about an opportunistic white mans greed and way to redemption at times making the entire continent of Africa just serve as maybe not backdrop but merely the platform for his quest,at the same time it is about a father who loses his son and will stop at nothing to get him back home,brainwashing young children to become icecold murderers,a civil war that actually took place in 1999 with alot of casualties,a dedicated,compassionate reporter wanting to expose the ugly truth about conflict diamonds,romantic subplot and so on...any one of these stories by themselves is a potential good movie.

They overpacked it.....but I didn´t notice that on a deeper level until the third viewing. So I do not agree with 62% at RT with the consencus"Blood Diamond overcomes poor storytelling with social biting commentary and powerful performances." cause I think Swicks direction is superb,concidering the screenplay.He keeps everything in focus and doesn´t derail as many would have. Serras cinematography´s to die for. Newton Howards music is unfortunate,very stereotypical African,like to remind us where it takes place. Yes,everything involving colonel Coetzee makes absolutely no sense but again,not something you notice on the first watch.

I think it´s DiCaprios best performance after The Departed,Hounsous best ever and they carry the film,such raw emotion. Editing is superb,the ending tragic and wonderful...though it goes on for 7 minutes too long. It should have atleast 78% or film is perfect and I love this diamond in the rough,despite its flaws.


Overall I feel DiCaprio is one of the best actors of the last 20 years if not maybe the best..
But I was not crazy about the movie. The only parts that seemed interesting to me was the finding of the diamond and the scene where DiCaprio dies.
