leo's accent

to any one that has heard a south african accent or know anyone that does. Did leo do a good job with his accent in this movie?


Actually if you hear the actor playing Colonel Cotzee's voice (I think that's how you pronounce his name)then you would be hearing a real white south african accent because in real life he was born and raised there and his accent is real.


Yes! I've spent a fair amount of time working in South Africa and he nailed it.


His accent is that of a white rhodesian. Very similar to a white south african. He did a very good job for someone born in the country who left at a young age.


His accent was spot on. His best accent though was in Django, he nailed that Southern accent on the head.

You can knock on Ed Wood but it won't do you no good 'cause all of my heroes are dead in Hollywood


Please tell me that's sarcasm. It was AWFUL in Django.

He did the epitome of the 'never-been-to-the-South "Dea Lawwdy" accent that Hollywood has popularized.


No I'm serious.

You can knock on Ed Wood but it won't do you no good 'cause all of my heroes are dead in Hollywood


I literally came to this thread to post on how bad Leo's accent was in this film. 6/10 tops. The fact that this dude said Leo's southern accent in Django was "nailed on the head" shows that aside from being tone deaf, he does not have a concept for actually understanding different dialects or accents.

As someone who speaks 3 languages and grew up in New York City which has more accents flowing at once more than any other city/borough of the United States, I've also practiced different impressions my whole life and can even (most of the time) figure out where someone is from based on the way they speak English. That includes those that have moved from specific parts of the middle east even....

I'm not criticizing the movie though either because I thought it was great. It's just that anyone who knows any real South Africans will tell you that his accent and mannerisms were too forced and did not feel organic.

"His accent was spot on" -- it cracks me up every time I read coolduderami's comment lol. I just hear Leo forcing the accent so hard. Maybe if he had a vocal coach and actually practiced some more it would be spot on, but the truth was that it was a lousy impression at best. Would've been good for Saturday Night Live to make fun of a South African perhaps.

Last but not least, you have all these idiots trying to sound intelligent and offer their two cents because they don't know *beep* Thanks for telling us what Rhodesian is and it's origin, but nobody cares. If any of you have ever heard anyone from that region of the world speak, you will know that Leo just didn't do a good job and that's really all there is to it.

Hands down, I can tell you Leo's accent was by far the worst he has ever done in the movie -- AND I'M A HUGE LEO FAN!


His poor atempt at an accent was terrible. Sounded like he rehearsed it for all of an hour at most.



I lived in South Africa for years. Leo nailed the accent.


He really did a very good southern African accent. Although a friend from of mine's from South Africa thought it was far from perfect!

Its that man again!!


I compared DiCaprio's accent here to Sharlto Copley's in District 9. I'd say Leo did a pretty good job.


He also did a great job, speaking in broken-english talking to Commander Zero.


Its Rhodesian, not South African.
