MovieChat Forums > 16 Blocks (2006) Discussion > Technically i should have been R rating....

Technically i should have been R rating....

Not that I really even care but if the "f" word is said more than once in a film it MUST take an R rating according to the MPAA.
It was said once in the line: *beep* the truth!!"
and this was replayed a few minutes later on a tape recorder.
that means twice....


Stop getting your film information from other films. Yes we all heard that theory in the movie "Be Cool".

You're so cool


Haha idiot.


Theres many movies that have been allowed to say the F word more than once, sometimes theres movies where they said it four times.


I'm sorry, but all i could think while reading this was "Why are most Americans so *beep* uptight about sexuality?"
Now seriously, having these massive amounts of violence in most movies but still afraid of using certain words that after all mean "feces" or "sexual intercourse" is stupid.


instead of acting like americans aren't as good as you because you have very little morals or values and like to encourage the degradation of family, why don't you respect how we feel and not throw your bigoted remarks out there which only reveal how ignorant you are.


The problem is that it wasn´t "Americans" that came up with the preposterous idea that this or that word can´t be heard by kids more than once per film, lest their ears would pop or whatever, but right-wing, Christian-fundamentalist pricks. Average Americans are pretty bad for putting up with it, though.

Oh, and I´ll pretend I didn´t read the "moral values" and "family"-thing. You´re such a cliché...

"Did I leave the gas on? No, I´m a @#¤%ing squirrel!"


one hundred years ago ALL americans were right wing christian fundamentalists. the liberals were relegated to whore houses and prisons. you and liberals like you are outsiders trying to suck the blood out of our nation like parasites.


And women couldn't vote 100 years ago and blacks were slaves before that. Does that mean we should revert to those "values"?


and before that cavemen roamed the earth, what's your point? you're an outsider who's only job is to screw up our country. not yours, ours. liberalism is a disease. communists espoused the ideology of liberalism as a means of subverting a culture, driving it to a base animalism so they could more easily move in. specifically abortion, homosexuality, and antipatriotism. any ideology implemented to bring down a society is a pretty freakin bad one.


Who said I was a liberal? My point was that those ideas are old and outdated. By the way you should learn to spell. It's "whose" not "who's" unless it's short for "who is." Are you a woman? Because I am a man who has absolutely no right to tell a woman what she should do with her body. I will never be pregnant. What right do you have? And who cares about homosexuality? You're an example of someone who wants to tell OTHER people what to do. What right do you have to dictate what others believe, say and do?


what right do i have? by your reasoning, what right did the north have to tell the south they can't own slaves? according to the south, slaves were property not people, and nobody had a right to tell them what they could do with their property. many saw what was going on with the slaves as being a horrible injustice, so they tried to do what they could to stop it.

THAT'S the right i have. all humans not only have a right but a duty to correct great injustices against their fellow man. if you were around back then you'd be asking them what right they have to dictate what others believe, say and do. thank god liberals were rare and isolated at that point or we'd still be living in a nation who's agriculture is centered around human bondage.

children are being murdered, and the murders are justified based on their relative proximity to the mother's womb. our law is the same law that charges someone who murders a pregnant woman with double homicide, but says it's okay for the woman to commit the murder of the unborn child herself.

that baby is not a member of the woman's body, it is a human being attached to her body through an intermediary tube which is used to transport nutrition etc. to the child. a child over whom she's been given the duty by nature (i won't mention the word liberals hate most, God) to nurture and bring to full maturity. a fetal baby is not a worthless piece of flesh and bone, it is a sentient being who has a unique personality and intelligence in the developmental stages inside of it. unharmed, it will grow up to a unique person like you and me. aborted, it will be an exterminated unique human being with unique features, who will never exist again.

i would say providing a justification for society to kill the most innocent of it's members is a great achievement for communism.

let me ask you, what is the point of espousing the major liberal social issues and then pretending you're not liberal? is this an attempt to pass yourself off as a reasonable moderate so as to force people to swallow your medicine more easily? if your brand of politics is no longer considered liberal then democrats have truly gone off the deep end.

p.s., thanks for your lecture on the correct usage of who's vs. whose, it enriched the subject greatly. please pay close attention to this post also so we are not deprived of more grammar based wisdom.


What you said actually helps my point. I obviously can't argue that slavery was "right." I hate anyone judging people for the color of their skin; it's a dumb reason. I also think its just as dumb to hate homosexuals for being gay. So you're saying it's okay for blacks to get married etc. but not gays? I am also not saying that I like the idea of abortion, just the right for women to do it if they choose to do so. I know women who had abortions and it doesn't mean I care about them any less or judge them for doing it. Also some eastern religions believe in reincarnation so who's to say that won't happen? (I don't believe there is such a thing as a "correct" religion; they all have their pluses and minuses.) And I don't know why you keep bringing up communism. We're in a democracy where we can say whatever we want. Just like I'm doing now. I don't consider myself as belonging to any political party because I don't follow politics enough. I don't vote or contribute to any political party. Like religions, they have their pluses and minuses. It just seems like most Republicans are stuck in this "old mindset" and can't admit mistakes. Bush, who is arguably one of the worst Presidents this country has ever had, just can't seem to admit his mistakes. And there have been many.
This video illustrates my point about Republicans more than I ever could.
And I'll leave it at that.

P.S. When you said "i would say providing a justification for society to kill the most innocent of it's members is a great achievement for communism" you should have spelled the word "its" not "it's" which is ALWAYS an abbreviation for "it is" when you used the word as a possessive.


alright first let's get to your grammar mistakes, since that's obviously very important to arguing the social issues.

"What right do you have to dictate what others believe, say and do?"

comma belongs after the word say. "...believe, say, and do?" always use commas to separate phrases, three or more words, and/or clauses written in a series.

"By the way you should learn to spell." comma belongs after the phrase 'by the way'. common introductory phrases should be followed by a comma, including infinitive and participial phrases, nonessential appositive phrases, and absolute phrases.

"And who cares about homosexuality?" it is not always improper to begin your sentence with 'and' or 'but', but when you decide to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction and are writing in informal contexts, always be sure that an independent clause follows.

and, unrelated to grammar...
"By the way you should learn to spell." i didn't misspell who's, i used it incorrectly.

all of that is from one paragraph, i'd rather not continue as it's pretty boring and you must live a tedious life spending so much time pointing these things out. in case you hadn't noticed, grammar is not my number one concern. did you see a few examples where i didn't capitalize the proper words? i'm not a big fan of capital letters.

anyways on to stuff that relates to what we're talking about.

comparing a race to gays is an all out insult on that race. races are discriminated against before they open their mouth to say a word. they're discriminated against before anyone knows who they are, what they believe, or what kind of person they are. several of those questions can be answered in part when it comes to homosexuals. additionally, races are RACES. homosexuality is not a race, it's a choice. and a bad one at that. homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to get married because it's a contradiction in terms, it is defined as a joining of opposites. if they want to call it something else, that's up to them. but calling it marriage would be like me picking a flower and calling it a couch. they think just because they make a choice to live a certain way the entire world should change it's laws and perceptions and beliefs to accomodate them. wrong.

i bring up communism because many of your beliefs are propagated by communists and espoused as a way of subverting a society. your beliefs play a central role in communism, therefore it's relevant. i know you don't like that because it reveals the true nature of what you're saying (although i don't claim you knew this).

you mention an "old mindset" as though it's completely wrong. i'm sure you're in agreement with me, just because an idea or ideas is centuries or millennia old doesn't make it wrong. we don't have to throw out everything we believe in when it reaches a certain age. there are many beliefs thousands of years old that hold true today. and many proven wrong, and those are gone.

as far as the president being wrong, he wasn't. and he's one of the greatest we've ever had, he established his legacy by providing a strong republican response to terror. thank god for the war in iraq, hopefully we go through the rest of the middle east wiping out these terrorist animals.


Anyone who thinks Bush is the "greatest" is not worth my time.


that's what i figured, your best argument is to get huffy over my opinion and walk away.


Not "huffy" at all. I just think it's pointless to waste my time arguing with someone whose views are so extreme they'll never even consider any points I've made seriously. You just think your views are the ONLY views that count and your dismissive attitude is so ugly I choose no longer to continue this "conversation" with you. I am sure you will feel the need to respond to this. I guarantee you will write something. I know you can't let it end but I am ending it.


why would i let it end? you should only end it if you're fighting from a weaker position. that be you.

if my attitude were dismissive i wouldn't have gone through the trouble of addressing every single thing you say.....i would just say "i smart you dumb i win". i have considered all of your points.....many times. over the years, they're the same points most people on your side of the argument make. considering i don't have a dismissive attitude, calling it ugly seems like an attempt to further justify running.

which is okay, i just liked having the opportunity to argue a lil bit, haha.


Who doesnt like arguing a little now and then? When you are online you can do it better, you can call people idiots and stupid and not have to worry about getting punched.

Anyway, going back to the original launching of this argument, I personally cant stand all these "You Americans are a bunch of prudes" comments. There are a couple issues that come to mind.

1) The violence comments. They are "You accept violence, blood and guts and brains everywhere but you dare see a nipple and you go screaming with the Bible from the roof." Yeah, these are somewhat dumb. See, one of the least violent majore cities in the United States is Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City also has the most video game exposure / per capita than any city in the Country. WTH is your point dude? I am getting to that. If violence through media realms contributed greatly to violent behavior, then Salt Lake City would be one of the most violent cities in the U.S., it isnt even in the Top 50. Additionally, the most violent people in all the world arent exposed to constant media, thus we know it isnt a big factor. That is why nobody cares about violence. So, the second point

2) Typical American according to IMDb posters: "OH MY GOSH! IT IS A NIPPLE! TURN IT OFF, BAN IT!" First, this isnt true. The porn environment in the U.S. proves this. People in the U.S. consume so much porn, if anything, it is shame that speaks those words when they are spoken, it isnt their deep core belief. But anyway, to the other point. Teen pregnancy and other sexual issues (diseases) are a legit problem in the U.S. Now, this will take some flashback for adults, if you saw a sex scene like is in Monster's Ball when you were 13, would you get aroused? If you were a guy, you might have. If you were a girl that thought Billy Bob Thornton was "hawt" you probably would too. However, that same guy and girl, when BBT blows a hull in someones head, do you get the "urge" to go kill someone now? Heck, if you do ... seek help. Because a lot of adults know that THEY WOULD HAVE become aroused watching sex on tv, they try to thwart their kids from being exposed to it at younger ages. Is this not a fair thing?

3) A very small minority of people freak out when there is a nipple seen. In fact, a movie suggested by many Christian's is Schindler's List. This has nudity a plenty in it, though it isnt sexual. It isnt something that if thirteen year olds watch it they will get all sweaty and bothered. They may watch it secretly out of curiousity, they arent going to drop their pants to it though unless they are quite odd already. Other movies like The Bounty for instance have a bunch of nude natives, at least depicted natives, running around. Although sex is involved with that movie, most scenes are void of sexuality. It isnt quite the same as watching a couple thrusting against one another screaming "OH YES!" for 2 - 4 minutes in the middle of an R rated movie.

4) It is just as easy for American's to suggest that many Europeans are a bunch of immoral whores and beasts as it is for you to say we are a bunch of prudes. It is likely that most Europeans, barring language diffences, could easily assimilate themselves in U.S. culture, vice versa from the U.S. to Europe. Our age of consent across the U.S. is very close to many countries in Europe. This means that we agree on one very core thing, we dont want children, as nations, getting sexual until over 16, 17, 18 years of age. But, go ahead, distinguish the U.S. from your hyper-intelect in what ways appease to you. If you do that, I will just suggest that you hate the U.S. for the same reason you hate Manchester United.


Liven, I know it's been several years since you wrote your post, but I wanted to congratulate you on being the most mature individual in the room. Really. That was well reasoned, well written, and outstandingly stated.

I salute you.


Can't tell if troll, or retarded.


I know this is old but you are what's wrong with the world. This close minded *beep* you spew is ridiculous. A choice? Since when is being born a certain way a choice? It's who they are. I am straight. That's it. I can't just decide one day I wanna be gay and suddenly I'm gay. The world doesn't work that way.
Who cares if they get married? From what I've seen marriage isn't this "holy union" you believe it is. Straight people cheat, divorce and take all meaning out of it so why can't gay people get married too? The 'old mindset' comment is more than valid. I'm honestly shocked when I see people with your beliefs still exist. Gay people have been around forever. Try to think for yourself instead of being brainwashed by your elders.


So you equate respected actors saying *beep* around children as being just as commendable and praiseworthy as women's rights and racial equity.

No wonder.



one hundred years ago ALL americans were right wing christian fundamentalists. the liberals were relegated to whore houses and prisons. you and liberals like you are outsiders trying to suck the blood out of our nation like parasites.

100% Nonsense.

"*beep* Mickey Mouse. *beep* him in the *beep* with a big rubber dick!"


The scary thing is, I'm sure you and your family members actually believe that fictitious recollection of events.

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


We Jews have been in this country from the American Revolution on. You realize we are not Christian, right? Nor were or are we right wingers. Native Americans have been in this country for 12,000 years, and not all converted to Christianity. Asians have been in this country before the railroads were built, and not all converted. Many of the slaves were not Christian.

United States never was a Christian nation. By law, or by population.

You, however, are so ignorant that you fail to understand how ignorant you are.


The funny thing about "morals" is that they are rigid rules set by man. They have nothing to do with true goodness, kindness, mercy, or even justice. Even Jesus taught that with the parable of the good Samaritan.

A Samaritan, you see, is a heretic in the eyes of the Jews of Jesus' time. Jews viewed them in the same way that conservative Christians view Muslims today. And vice versa. And yet Jesus told a story with a Samaritan as the hero. The lesson being that goodness, does not come from following the rules blindly. It comes from choosing to do the thing that helps the most when the moment comes.

Because when you speak of Biblical morality (specifically Old Testament, which Muslims and Jews also share), you speak from the same book that let women be treated like property. Where husbands bought wives, and had more than one (Solomon, for example, had a thousand). Where Lot, "the most righteous man in Sodom", offered his daughters to be raped and then incestuously impregnated them later on. You speak of the armies of ancient Israel killing every man, woman, and child in wars which sometimes had no reason other than they were in lands the Israelites wanted. You speak of not eating pork and shellfish. Of not dressing in clothing of mixed fibers. Of forbidding people with disabilities or diseases from entering a church. You speak of the book that explicitly allows slavery and even outlines the way slaves are to be punished. As with wives, and wayward children (sold to slavery). Of offering your own daughter as a human sacrifice. And more. Much much more.

Now all these are moral, as the Bible explicitly approves of them. But I ask you: are they good? Were they good for the family? Because the families depicted in the Bible suck. Well, except for Joseph and Mary, perhaps. Almost all of them had an old man married to two or more younger women (girls really, just about old enough to start puberty - a practice the Mormons tried to revive). And the old man's word was absolute law. And they were merciless. Is that your vision of an ideal family? A family kept together because everyone was too scared of the dad? Talk about childhood trauma. It's the same kind of family that exists among the Taliban. Because yes, conservative Islam and conservative Christianity are almost indistinguishable from each other, as both religions are offshoots of Judaism.

Oh and yeah, Jesus was a liberal. He advocated reform in the Jewish clergy and openly defied them in some cases. He mingled with and gave freely to the poor, the sinners, and the undesirables. He wasn't a fan of wealth. He was a pacifist, even as they tortured him. He was basically the original hippie.

Now how is it that you call yourself "Christian", and yet you are nothing like Jesus?


As for the other thing, I can honestly say that I love and respect my parents and take care of them; I love my 5 other siblings, we've always stuck up for each other, even though all of us have very different personalities; and I have nieces and nephews I spoil rotten. All in all, our family's pretty solid. Here's the thing though: I'm gay.

I bet you'll stop reading after this. I hope you won't.

I'm curious why you always tell us that it's a choice? Every single time, you people always make it a point to mention that it's a choice. As if that makes it alright to make fun of us or beat us up then. I KNOW it's not a choice because it's MY life. You remind me of people in the 19th century who always insisted that Africans did not have souls, to justify the fact that they were treating them like animals.

Think for a moment. Why would anyone choose to be made an object of ridicule and hate by people they don't even know? Why would anyone choose to be targets of violence, and even of imprisonment and death (e.g. in the Middle East, Uganda, etc.)? Why would anyone choose the possibility of being shunned and thrown out by family and friends? Because that's what being gay is like in most parts of the world.

Do you think 12-year olds just wake up one day and decide "today I want my classmates to start calling me *beep* or "today I want my parents to disown me so that I'll be a street kid"? Or how about if the kid happens to live in Saudi Arabia or Iran or any of the countries where being gay is still a criminal or religious offense? Do you think a little Arab boy cheerfully chose one day to to go to prison and/or be executed? It's a life I wouldn't choose if I had a choice. Not because I think it's wrong, but because I have to deal with people like you every day of my life.

The fact that gay teens are five times more likely to commit suicide is a clear reflection of this. If this was a choice, how is it that so many of the gay kids rejected by their peers, their family, and their religion because of their sexuality felt they had no other escape but death?

Because we can't change our sexuality. People who say they have are either bisexual, lying, or cheating on their wives with male prostitutes. I'd rather be honest than lie to a woman just so I'd fit your narrow definition of morality.

And why is it that you blame us for everything wrong that happens? Your own family falls apart? It's the gays! Economy goes down? It's the gays! A volcano erupts? It's the gays! We've done nothing to you, and yet you people never seem to leave us alone. This world has a lot of real problems, problems that actually do harm to people. And yet you skip all that and just blame it all on the gays.

"Christianity" these days seems to be focused on insisting that gays should be treated like dirt since they are going to hell. Out of all the lessons in the Bible, of all the sermons of forgiveness, love, and kindness, THIS is what you get? A zealous burning hatred for everyone you think aren't "pure" enough for your delicate sensibilities? Jesus had a term for you - Pharisee. You put too much importance in the words and the rituals, that you missed the message entirely.



Maybe the MPAA used to feel that way about F-words. But they've slipped a lot since they first started rating movies. They're allowing more and more. So I'm not surprised at all about the language.

"As my old pappy used to say, if at first you don't succeed, try something else." - Bret Maverick


Yeah they don't make rules that specific.


The MPAA may have "unofficial" rules (ie - if you use the "F-word" to mean "sex" then you get an 'R' rating), but if they were to ever have (or admit to having) official or unofficial rules, then they would get shut down because people would say they are a censorship organization (because they are supposed to judge each film on its own merits, not by a set of rules. So if someone says "F--- the law", and then they play it back on a tape 2 minutes later, it's not that hard to argue that, having just heard the exact same sentence 2 min earlier, hearing it again won't warp a child's mind).
Just like if you submit a film, and you want a PG-13 rating, and they send it back to you with a "R", they won't tell you why. (Unless you're Steven Spielberg or something). Watch the documentary "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" for some SERIOUS insight.



*beep* Sake, You bunch of idiots. Listen to you go on and on about an F Word in a move said twice. Get over yourself. R rating doesnt count for word being said, it is the total content of the movie. Pull your heads in and Vigilante go F yourself. Idiot


My god man. You need to get laid.

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


This movie could've been Rated R, but it wasn't so give it a rest...


Why do people keep saying this? Geez. It's blatantly obviously not true, this is hardly the only movie to have it in more than once and get a PG-13. The "soft limit" from what I hear is 3, although some have gone over.


I can't believe how ppl get obbsessed over profanity in films. This film had barely any.

If anything is objectionable it is the violence.

"Major, right now you've got me as confused as I ever hope to be."
