MovieChat Forums > The Buzz on Maggie (2005) Discussion > what the heck made you people think duff...

what the heck made you people think duff and brad pitt was in it?

I knew Duff and Pitt wouldnt be wasting their time with this show. Seriously if you were to tell me that Brad Pitt was voicing a Disney cartoon I wouldnt have bought it. What funky sources were you people reading?!!!!

Late night jengajam! Social graces! Late night jengajam! Settin' up shop!


the whole cast list before was unbelievable! there were so many stars that were on the list including duff, pitt and i think lisa kudow was said to be doing a voice. it was ridiculous that people actually believed that these people will actually be apart of a disney cartoon show!!


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur so right i mean really! Hilary is lik a really big star that wouldnt be wasting her time in disney she left and shes not going back! And Brad i mean hes an even bigger star than hilary wat would he be doing in disney, i mean really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i also read today in a magazine again that hilary brad and christy carlson romano r lending their voices im sooooooooo mead at all these tabloids ppl mak up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just to but it, but Lisa Kudrow does a voice on Hercules the TV show, so obviously would watse her time on a Disney cartoon.


What funky sources were you people reading?!!!!

An earlier version of the TV Tome page of this show, which was corrected before the site was replaced with


it says that in the july issue of J-14 magazine on page 90. the exact words are "J-14 is buzzin about the disney channels new animated series THE BUZZ ON MAGGIE, whose star-studded cast include the voices of hilary duff, brad pitt, and christy carleson romano. set in the fantastical world of flies and narrated by the feisty female fly, Maggie, the show takes teen drama to the extreame in the metropolis of stickyfeet. in a j-14 exclusive interveiw, heres what Maggie reveals it takes to be a fly girl in this day and age: March to the beat of your own wings. ruffle your antennae if you have to dont take garbage from anyone_ unless its delicious. And dont let anyone swat you down.


yes and it also says in bop magazine august issue page 12 that this FALL in the FALL! HILARY DUFF will lend her voice to the series THE BUZZ ON MAGGIE.Other stars such as BRAD PITT,LISA KUDROW, and CHRISTE CARLSON ROMANO will lend their voices to the series, too.See it is true its just in the fall their going to do it and whats wrong with big stars lending their voices for a disney channel show so its not like its a crime and disney is such a low channel that no one watches so how could big stars take part in a disney channel show, jeez its there business anyway.


out of curiosity..why would they decide to join the cast in the fall, instead of when it starts? that seems awkward.


Maybe because they might be doing a guest role.


Maybe because they might be doing a guest role.

That's always a possibility.


I read that to. Even as a guest role it would be a waste of time
