
I know that she's just a cartoon character but I just think that she's the cutest thing.She has a cute little voice and an funny personality.Who agrees or thinks I'm crazy?


i agree with you


I'm so glad you agree.I thought ppl would call me a freak or somethin.I like how the writers of the show make her a rockstar punk girl full of personality.Her costumes are cool and I don't think she's the best ever but I kinda think her voice is okay when she's singing.



I adore Maggie. Why did they change the actress doing her voice? See the list of actors.
I love her Hot Pink Hair. Too much!


Don't panic, Amazing. They didn't change the actress. The "New Maggie" credit you see is for a particular story where you'll see the "New Maggie" along with the "Original Maggie." Same thing with Pupert and Aldrin.






Kay I'm not obsessed with Maggie and I really don't like this show at all.This is just an opinion of mine that I wanted to post up.


i think maggie is adorable too! lol, i love her voice and how they made her into a singer. its a cute show, and i love the theme song!!


I like those rock star wannabe characters like Maggie.She reminds me of Addie Singer from Unfabulous.



YAY!Another follower!Thanks for being someone who doesn't think I'm COMPLETELY insane.




YOU ARE INSANE!!!! This is the most retarded show Disney Channel has ever made. Read the review that that person wrote. It's 100% accurate. GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Hey I LUV maggie a lot too! I think shes very cute too and LUVS that she wants to be a Rock Star! ROCK ON MAGGIE! I also hope that they make merchandise from the show soon.I want a plush Maggie! :)


Hm...didn't think of that.I'll order mine now.


I wanna Plush PUPERT!


I agree!

"The only person to celebrate Valentines Day the right way was Al Capone!". John Becker, M.D.
