too long

Anyone else feel like this movie was way too long and could have benefited by being shortened by about 30 minutes?



Not me, because I was interested in her story the whole time.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


i didn't think it was tooo long, but I. Would have preferd it to be more chronological. I found the jumping about to differnt time periods a bit hard to follow.



Nope, it was like watching Apocalypto, it was mesmerizing from start to finish and I never once got bored or checked my watch.

"Please let me keep this memory, just this one." ~ Joel, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Not for me. It's one of the very few movies I wish were longer. That being said, I've only seen it at home. It can get very difficult to sit still in cold, hard theatre seats.


Wanted more minutes of this. To spend a two hours with this woman isn't enough.


Not long enough. I would have loved to have seen a few of the deleted scenes threaded back in.
