I enjoy this comedy

This is a good weber I enjoy it and laugh all the time.

Un egoiste c'est celui qui ne pense qu'à moi.


what about ledoyen??Is she in this film??


Yeah and she's pretty good at comedy, she's Francois Pignon's love in this movie.

Un egoiste c'est celui qui ne pense qu'à moi.


I saw it on Air France (really, really nice airline. Way better than Delta) with subtitles. It was so funny that I watched it 3 times on that flight. I loved Gad Elmaleh in it. And his parents and the doctor.



Yes, I agree.

It has only a little problem with the ending.
(I don´t know why the french movies always have problem to finish the story.)

In this case it is a bit sudden, but is is only a detail.

I thinks this is so nice, because ALL THE CHARACTERS, have strong personality, parents, doctor (fantastic..!!), include the friend´s mother...!!! REALLY REALLY NICE..!!!

Oscar from Rosario-Argentina


I caught this movie "in the middle" so to speak. But what I did catch was great. Loved it. I too was kind of baffled by the abrupt ending but I'm slowly realizing that is the French way of wrapping up movies. I love Indie & foreign films since they tend to be more realistic in their handling of issues but the endings always seem to get to me.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!"
