I kinda wished...

that the film would have ended when the train left the station...I didn't like that last part where they meet in Bucharest and it felt like it was not necessary.

What do you think?


yeah, it's a pretty dumb scene, i've wondered if they didn't put that in after the director died, as a sort of tribute to "happy endings".. somehow. it doesn't make much sense otherwise. i kinda wished there would be someone to explain this (crew/actors/)


its a great scene.From what i heard the movie was unedited.So im guessing its Nemescus' scene.
It kinda shows that life goes on.The americans got on with their lives when the train left.the village got on with its existence.Doiaru had to go through so much tragedy but still fought on.
And our lives have to go on right now with having lost a great talent...
