Un Certain Regard @ Cannes 2007

I'd like to congratulate the entire team that worked so hard to accomplish a dream. I can't wait for June 1st to see this movie that we've been waiting for for so long.
I'm really really sorry that Cristian and Otto couldn't be there on that stage to cherish their moment. But with this movie they've made their traces in this world. They will be remembered.


RIP Cristian Nemescu, it's so sad he died last year and didn't get the chanse to see the wonderfull moment of his movie winning "Un certain regard" at Cannes. Congrats to all the team that worked this till the finish.


A stupid film...the usual bad and false acting. It's a shame that romanian movies are so bad, maybe this happens because of the public money on witch those are made.


Just saw the movie one hour ago. Could you share with us why you think the movie was "stupid"? At least argument your comments, instead of throwing mud at people's work. Until you do that, this sounds like a "stupid" comment. Especially when you're referring to people that are no longer with us.

Cristian Nemescu and Andrei Toncu - may you rest in peace! You will be missed...


Its okay for people to think it is stupid, especially for american people and no i have nothing against them. It`s just that this movie has a certain meaning to romanians, something that cannot be explained nor does it need explaining from our behalf (and i am sure many will agree with me).Therefore, it`s everyone`s right to express their opinion, good or bad.

Rest in peace Cristian Nemescu and Andrei Toncu !


I would like to tell you that this film was not made on public money, but on Media Pro money, which is something else... on the other hand, i think the film is the best romanian film made after '89, and one of the best ever. Usually, romanian films are filled with violent words and interjections and they don't have no sort of monologue or inteligent dialogue. This film is no exception. The difference, whatsoever, is is not as violent as the others and it doesn't try to show the 'tough life' and the 'great people' in Romania. It is a simple story of anytown, RO. With it's bad and good things, in a moment when the world was changing. Because the war in Kosovo was a turning point in world history, in my opinion, the first major sign of the twenty-first century. While this major event was happening, the railway station chieff was trying to make a living by stealing, his daughter was in a life crisis, and so on. But nobody has no idea of what was happening, and they didn't care, either. They had their life to live. But the film takes us more into romanian peoples' customs. The prologue, which, i think, gives the film its true meaning, shows us a bomb, made in usa, assembled in california, piercing through a building, in 1944. Then, the americans were our enamys. In 1999, they were our allies. The films shows that, though the times changed, though regimes were different, generations died, the world's face was another, romanian people had something in commen in 1944 and in 1999: they tried to stay alive, by running to the basement, or by making a strike on the railway track, or by stealing from the trains... And i think it's the first romanian movie, after '89 that shows the real 'real life' and not an exageration, either positive or negative, like the other films try to do. It is a great pitty that Cristian NEmescu died at such a young age. He would have been a great director, in my opinion.


mad girl..shut your pie hole..you americans...not all..but a lot of you..know nothing about real movies and real acting.you only have your popcorn movies like charlie's angels..or war of the worlds..and that's bulls**t.Cannes only gives awards to the ones that really deserve to get them.So I suggest you show a little respect. ROMANIAN moviez RUuuulllll
“I see my body as an instrument rather then an ornament.”


I've just seen it, it's extraordinary, really really good, but I think only for romanians because they can understand it best.
But, hey, if the jury at Cannes also understood it maybe there are still some chances left for other people of other nationalities to do just the same....:)))



Just sow the movie an hour ago ...and it was even better that i expected..all my respect to Cristian Nemescu and all the makers


I've just seen the movie a few hours ago.I think it's pretty good, *but* :
- Romania is neither the poorest, nor the richest country in the world ; what was the point of showing badly paved streets, or cows in the middle of the village ? Wouldn't you rather see a documentary about Zimbabwe or Sudan on Discovery ?
- the comment in the last scene about "the peaches" doesn't make any sense at all.

On the other hand, "Elvis" was good :)


Well, you're probably living in a city. You see, in Romania, there are actually three Romanias: the Romania from the big cities, the Romania from the small cities and the one from the countryside. The movie outlines this, in a very subtle way. (hence the ending in contrast with most of the movie)


Let me guess, you are a frustrated paranoid american?
White trash chick trying to look smart...


Bulgarian here.Loved the movie.I think that everyone from the eastern block can relate to these stories.


Bulgarian here.Loved the movie.I think that everyone from the eastern block can relate to these stories.



you people shouldn't rip on mad grll, especially for being a stupid american...first of all, most americans don't know where romania is, let alone the fact that it has made movies "on public money" in the past, so I think she might be romanian...and most people in romania don't like romanian movies...to be honest, sometimes i too get the feeling that a movie in romanian sounds like the acting is poor...definitely a perception thing rather than objectivity...and IMO Filantropica is better than this
