MovieChat Forums > Siren Discussion > Notify Oprah about Siren

Notify Oprah about Siren

To all fans of Michele Fiore-Kaime & Siren....Please register on (its free) and send her an email with info on Michele and her movie Siren, and about how dreams can come true, especially for this Independent Indie. If we can get Oprah's attention maybe we can get Siren released to the public so everyone can enjoy a wonderful movie, and witness the awesome talent of Michele Fiore-Kaime and
then believe in themselves to search out their dreams. Michele is a talented actress, producer, writer, and singer. The more emails we send to Oprah the better chance Michele has of sharing her movie with the world than with the few lucky ones who have watched her movie and witnessed her incredible tenacity to follow her dream. She can and will make a believer out of you.


this movie will be in the bottom 100 soon



The movie isn't anything special. It was barely watchable and unoriginal.
