My Experience

When I first saw The Ring, I had never been scared by movie this badly since I was a child watching Exorcist, Damien Omen, etc... and my girlfriend's cousin wanted to see it, so I burned her a copy and wrote only COPY on the CD-R. Whether she saw it or not I never found out, but that was 2 years ago.

Several months ago... I saw the original Ringu, Ringu 2, Ringu 0. I saw them all one after another when i was home sick, and my life was never the same. With each day that passed I felt something closing in. I became profoundly driven creatively, writing, poems, and painting artwork, just driven to escape my fear the only way I knew how... work through it artistically. On my website you can see some of the works I created during that time... poems, a comic strip I even won in a Sadako art contest at the time, and some wallpapers I still cannot even bear to look at even though I made them myself! It sounds crazy but that's not the end of it.

While watching Ring 0 I believe it was, or Rasen, I forget now, I felt a presence behind me, and looked of course no one was there. I was the only person in the house, and the cat was sleeping, dogs sleeping soundly downstairs.

I sat back down at my computer typing, and suddenly felt a presence behind me so powerful it was just like feeling a real person coming up behind you, but knowing no one is there, after that experience nothing was the same.

I feel the presence all the time now as if she could drop a hand on my shoulder at any moment. Soon after this my monitor gained a new anomaly, a flicker on the top half of the screen, as if it were shorting out a gauss circuit, which it wasn't when I had it checked nothing was technically wrong with the monitor and it only happens in this room. I checked the floatingpoints on the outlets, all normal, then just as quickly as it started it went away.

I don't know why she came, or why she left, or if she has left, or if she was ever there at all, but I can tell you this... "There are more things in heaven than are dreamed of in your philosophy," and these days, when I feel the presence, and look toward my sleeping cat, her ears prick up to feel such intent, but she lays silently sleeping, and if it doesn't bother her, then I guess I'm okay too... for now.


Nice to hear that you got inspired by those films... we needs it, and we will gets it anywhere we can, because artists are whores.

But... eh...

Although I agree with you about The Ring being truly, utterly, deeply creepy... I think you've exaggerated a little :)


Exaggerated what exactly? hearts think before heads do



That's really lovely.
I think you should go see a docter, seriously.
"She" is an actress and "there" are no tapes like that.
The Ring is a movie, scary, but not true.
I watched it when I was like 11 or something, I couldn't come close to the t.v. and then it was all static one day when I was home alone, BUT it was just our cable was cut. And then I couldn't dare to look at my closet:P
But I'm fine now. It only took me a month to realize she's not real.
And I really do suggest you go to a mental institution or a hospital.


Have fun living in your box.



Artists let life inspire them. I would rather let my experiences touch me, inspire me to create art and music and spurn new ideas, then be you who lets nothing in life touch them. That is truly sad.

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The sarcasm of your post says enough. You might try being less judgmental before you know people, eh?

My Home on the Web



So what is your point then? Why did you respond in the first place? Because you're becoming very unclear.

My Home on the Web



Okay lets start over.

I expressed how a movie effected me.
Someone got pissy and rude.
I replied have fun living in your box.
You said something sarcastic like i need mental help.
I said basically no i let it inspire me.
You said and i dont let life inspire me?
And i said your sarcasm seems to show otherwise.
And you said what were we talking about again?
And i said, im not really sure anymore.

My Home on the Web



If it makes you feel better, Kupotek, I experienced something very similar back in 2005 as well after watching it. I've come to believe that it was all in my own psychology, but I still remember how real it felt. Personally, I think that just means a job well done by the people behind the film. They accomplished their goal: to scare.
