MovieChat Forums > RV (2006) Discussion > Who i s the guy who cooks the food (org...

Who i s the guy who cooks the food (organs)?

When they arrive at the first RV park , they have dinner with the Gornikys. A man comes out of the G's bus and informs the daughter shes eating organs and not meat.

Who the hell is he? He never makes another appearance and is not introduced.

Was this movie subjected to huge editing?


Hee hee.
Stephen E. Miller is the person credited as the "Organ Stew guy" in the movie.


Im not interested in the actor , I want to know what chararacter he's playing.

Maybe he was the grandfather? You don't see him in the bus.

I guess its just a crap movie made crappier by poor editing.


I don't think he's even related to the Gornickes.
I think he's just some random guy who brought out stew.

"I used to think masturbation meant chewing your food. I don't think that anymore." - Olive Snook


Maybe he was MRS Gornickies stepfather who ran away from prison?
No, seriously, i think he is a "comic relief", a person who just showes up to deliever a joke, like that restaurant lady in "WHMS"


Whether RVing around the country, or sailing around the world, vagabonds keep running into one another, always converging on the "good" insider places, same time each year.

For instance, the inbred family guys who "helped" the Munros empty the sewage weren't with the Gornickes, but Travis did know them. I'm guessing "organ stew grandpa" was with them... or some other branch of the rolling tribes.

There's always LOTS of editing, compared to the massive raw footage shot, but this wasn't really the issue here.


If you watch the extras, Jeff Daniels mentions that he RVs for real and loves the RV camps the best because the people in them all get together for dinner and share whatever they have. The "organ stew guy" was just another camper sharing his food with the group.


I loved this. It was hilarious. I'm almost tempted to do this with some of my vegetarian friends.
