MovieChat Forums > RV (2006) Discussion > Cassie Munro ruined this movie

Cassie Munro ruined this movie

Well I guess it's technically not Jojo's fault, because she was only acting, but her character Cassie really ruined the movie. She was so annoying with her stupid attitude and she was really disrespectful. And don't reply saying all teenagers act like that. I'm 16 and yes I do have my moments, but when I'm talking to my mom i don't refer to my dad as "your husband". And I don't know any other teenager that whines and complains constantly and treats their parents that rude. Yes, all teenagers have their moments, but I wanted to b*tch slap her! She was so rude! and at the end when the dad is getting ready to go to his business meeting, Cassie gives him a bunch of crap about it. It's like Shut the *beep* up and let him go! It's like Hollywood's trying to make it look like it's cool for teenagers to disrespect the people who work their butts off to provide a house, food, and clothing for you. The kids in Cheaper By the Dozen are the same their dad a bunch of crap for working too much, and its like Ok, the reason he's working his butt off is so he can provide for your spoiled and selfish a**.

I mean overall I thought RV was pretty good, Robin Williams was good as usual and the Gornickey (sp?) family was really funny. But if Cassie would've just shut up for a while, it would've been more enjoyable.


yeah ;i felt the same way, i have a daughter exactly you're age,, so i know how teenage girls can be,,, i just wanted to kill cassie in the movie.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


Yeah but great eye candy. I'd say it was an true portrayal of a teenage girl that is up herself. It's not layed on too thick.


If my daughter ever referred to me towards my wife as "your husband", I would dis-own that brat right away.


LOL, yeah my dad would do the same thing to me if I ever did that!

[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)


I interpreted the "your husband" line like I do "your son/daughter" usage I have heard many times by a parent on tv or movie, when they want to move the blame for what the commented upon person is doing to the other spouse.


Well she was good eye candy so that made up for it. But most movies these days are like that they have the teens acting that way its the way it is i guess.


Dont forget when she dislike that guy, but when she found out he was smart she fell in love with him... WHAAAAT?! Isn't that the typical thing most young americans learn?, that if you want are you going to find a boyfriend they must be smart or they need to have money etc.



I wish I had run across this post a lot sooner.
I found what the original poster said very refreshing especially being a teen herself.

The way some of these films portray fathers as workaholics who never have time for their kids (and when they do see them the kids trample all over them), when (judging by the way the families live in these films) he basically has to live at work just to make enough money to support them, is starting to get really ridiculous.
Of course rather than being supportive, all the mothers can do is chastise the dad because he missed a soccer game or a piano recital or whatever.

Not to say there aren't plenty of deadbeats out there in reality, but Hollywood doesn't need to go out of it's way to make every dad look like a moron.


And it's refreshing to get an intelligent reply that doesn't just say, "Oh well, she was hot/good eye her attitude doesn't matter" Ahhh! But thanks for replying..better late than never =]]

"The way some of these films portray fathers as workaholics who never have time for their kids (and when they do see them the kids trample all over them), when (judging by the way the families live in these films) he basically has to live at work just to make enough money to support them, is starting to get really ridiculous.
Of course rather than being supportive, all the mothers can do is chastise the dad because he missed a soccer game or a piano recital or whatever."

I know! It shows just how uncreative writers are getting. I can name a dozen movies where there's a guy working his butt off to support his family so they can live in a decent neighborhood, go to a decent school, etc. But of course, the family CAN'T appreciate's always a b**chy mom who doesn't work or anything, and spoiled brat kids who talk rudely to their dad because he works too much! Would they rather have their dad around 24/7 and live in a trashy low-income ghetto collecting welfare off the government? (Okay, that was a little extreme, sorry).

And what bothers me is that Cassie (and all these other b**chy teenage girls in these movies) are never lectured or punished for the way they talk to their parents. If I were to talk to my parents the way they do, I'd never see the light of day again. Yeah, I know there ARE sassy teenagers around, but the fact that Hollywood makes it seem OK is just ridiculous.

[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)


<<thanks for replying..better late than never>>

No problem at all! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one out there who noticed the way the typical dad is treated in some of these "family" films.


"No problem at all! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one out there who noticed the way the typical dad is treated in some of these "family" films."

Haha don't worry! You're not! It bothers me even more that the kids get away with it ....and the dad is always so NICE. I mean, it'd be one thing if the dad was physically and/or emotionally abusive to the kids, then I'd understand receiving that kind of treatment...but just because he missed some stupid soccer game because he's working his butt off trying to support his family? I mean...seriously. Hollywood needs some more creative writers.

[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)





Thanks for your repsonse. What's that book you're talking about with the father and the teenage son and his basketball game? I'm interested in reading it. I agree with you, I can't STAND how these families in books and on TV make such a big fuss over missing a kid's soccer game or whatever other pointless sport that's apparently more important than earning a living or chasing a homicidal maniac, like you mentioned. I don't understand why these movies make such a big deal over kids' sports games... I mean I played sports growing up but they're really kind of pointless in the long run.

"My dad would have kicked the heck out of me if I ever behaved the way this American teenage girl (obviously an actress playing a character, but nonetheless) behaved"

Same here! My dad would never tolerate such behavior. I'd be thrown out in a second if I was THAT disrespectful. If I even answer a question in the wrong tone my dad flips out... I can't imagine what he'd do to Cassie Munro.

[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)



your dad is very lucky to have such a thoughtful and considerate daughter.

but it's a comedy; her being a selfish brat is part of the fun. If every family was like the brady bunch there's be no comedy in anything...

And the reality is that while a lot of teens respect their parents and work hard, there are many who don't and who hate them for trying to "control" them. C'est la vie.


I see your point, but Cassie wasn't really funny, just annoying. I don't really see how someone bashing their dad is funny, but I guess we all have our own tastes...

[Marcia and Charlie kiss]
Charlie:"Marcia I gotta go...something suddenly came up!" ;)


Were this movie not a comedy, but a serious drama, would anyone be defending the way this girl acted? Probably not very many.
But since it is a comedy it makes her behavior funny to a lot of people. Amazing.


As someone already said. she's great eye candy. That's some seriously hot teen.

Thne character served her role well. Bratty, stuck up, obnoxious teenager.


I think her attitude kind of added to the movie. Most teenagers don't act that way unless they have a very messed-up family. It was to show how the parents aren't close to the kids and they just do their own thing.

My blog:


<<It was to show how the parents aren't close to the kids and they just do their own thing.>>

So because a family is a little dysfunctional it gives the kids the right to act any way they please? The way this girl acted was way beyond acting out, she was just downright disrespectful.

Oh well, I guess it was okay because it was just a movie and she was doing her own thing. Nonsense, there is no reason Hollywood can't write stronger parents and less "know it all" type kids and still make entertaining movies.



I was getting a little fed up with Cassie in this movie myself. But in hindsight, it really helped to highlight the dad's desperation and desire to be a bigger part in his kids' lives once again. The entire movie, I felt nothing but sympathy for him as he seemed to be the only one who was fully willing to really try to make the trip enjoyable, even when his family admitted that they were trying to make it as miserable as possible (I know that line was supposed to be funny, but I found it very hateful and in poor taste). Thankfully, though, the writers of this movie did include the moment where Cassie realized how much her dad truly loved her, and something good finally came of the trip. She was terrible for the majority of the movie, but at least she got her redeeming moment.



i definetly disagree! jojo helped make this movie awesome she rocked it out and i don't care what anybody says! :)


I didn't think or feel much about her. I didn't think she was annoying at all, I don't think she was that much of eye candy, either (especially when she has an angry face, ugh).

To me, she was forgettable, but kinda worked for this movie pretty well anyway.

Maybe I shouldn't be replying to 10 year-old posts when I have nothing to say.
