
Well there were two mistakes I realized (by the way I am not good at this)
first when Hope get on the boat she supposed to go Kadıköy from Eminönü but when she is on the boat we can see that she is going opposite direction.
and second Dr Kavak says something like "This is the only thing that save you from death penalty" but there is no death penalty in Turkey.


Did they give a year when this was to supposed to be happening? Turkey does not have a death penalty ANYMORE, but that is a recent thing due to their aspiration of joining the EU.


Obviously, Hope knows little about Turkish laws and Dr Kavak probably intimidates her in any way possible in order to get her money back.



After Hope takes a shower at Roxelanas House, Roxelana gives her a bathrope.It hangs on the right at first shot, then at left and on other shots again at right.:)Continuity mistake.


During the commentary it is said it was a "deliberate continuity error"... I would be inclined to assume the bold statement was meant as sarcasm and not properly delivered but with Charles Winkler and Rob Cowen you never know what's running through their minds (not always in a good way).
