
I am considering renting this movie from pay-per-view.But I don't want to spend 3.95 on a film that is boring or bad acted.I have read several posts here and they are filled with conflicting views on whether or not this film was good or not.My question is this: would I be wasting my money or is it worth 3.95?And explain why or why not...Thanks...


To me the issue is this:

I saw The Net (the original with Sandra Bullock) and loved it. It was again a poorly made movie (mainly budgetary I think) and the depiction of technology was also reasonably poor (more so in the case of this sequel) but I loved the idea, the plot. I fell in love with the idea so much that I was hoping a better job would be made of the second, so when I saw it in the store 11 years later I had to buy it.

This time, when I watched the movie I was always comparing it to the original and it was awful. The cinematography was awful. The location, acting (although I thought the lead role wasn't too bad), plot, everything: awful. That said... There is an X-factor. I think again it's the idea of being completely lost thanks to tech world, loosing your identity and thus ability to lead life. It's like dropping off the grid by accident; then you have to rely on the same world, the same information, the same instincts and skills to get back into this world (that you in all probability hate for these reasons) using similar methods.

There is a bad movie here, without a doubt. The ideas behind the movie (delving much deeper than plot, goofs, trivia, cinematography or any other part of the movie making process) are compelling enough that those interested in them will get through the movie, possibly even enjoy it.

So my advice: watch the first, if you like it, don't watch the sequel. If you love it, watch the sequel and it won't harm you at the very least, it may just make you love the original better. Worth $3.95, not worth $15.

[Side-note: The idea of taking a ridiculously small film crew and cast for 24 days and filming with HD cameras to create a feature film is something that also grabbed me as being an ambition of mine for many years. To see it done so poorly is disappointing, but does reveal mistakes, reasons Hollywood is as it is and more over; it emplored me to go for it and do it properly. If you have feelings on this then you want to watch this movie.]


Thanks for the insightful review!
