MovieChat Forums > The Net 2.0 (2006) Discussion > Things we learned from the net 2.0

Things we learned from the net 2.0

I would add "spoiler alert", except I think if I help anyone not see this movie, I've done a great deed for humanity....

- banks would let you withdraw 14 million dollars without identification, as long as you send a spoof email (which many middle schoolers can do) claiming to come from the bank president and bring a photoshopped picture of yourself with the bank president.

- oh it's also ok if said spoof email was written in another language and translated with some cookbook translator program. May I recommend bablefish?

- Interpol likes to hide blood packs in the bathrooms of banks, so they can send undercover agents who would then get purposely kidnapped, so they can stop by the bank and ask to take a piss, so they can then put on the bulky blood packs just in case later on they bump into russian gun runners and want to pretend to get shot at the exact moment interpol shows up

- the easiest way make 14 million dollars is to befriend cute but moronic (as her obvious lack of computer skills can attest) computer "expert", make her fall in love with you, then write glowering recommendations to some computer firm in Turkey so they hire her. Now wait for said computer firm to come up with an assignment that involves russian gun runners and hope throughout this entire process computer firm never asks for a picture of a employee they have never seen but need to pick up at the airport. When gun runner assignment happens we'll somehow manage to hack into the US Embassy computers, as we send patsys to Istanbul hotel to pull fire alarms and steal IDs of moronic girl. In the process we hack into russian gun runner computer account ourselves and take 14 million dollars...I could go on another 3 paragraphs but let's just sum this up with "WTF?"

- Computer-illiterate screenwriters' idea of "High-tech" involves computer viruses that already infected your computer by being able to show a popup that says "your computer will be infected in 1 minute" then starts a countdown which idiot girl computer expert then disarms; "super-computers" named "ibrahim" that basically pop up a big screen with a bunch of windows media player-like visualizations and random pop ups to pretend to be busy with something; and also computer experts who use hotmail accounts (does she have a webpage on myspace too?)


Ok, the blood pack thing was old, done, even less likely than most of the photography and everything, but it was possible they were planted there in the hours preceeding the final events.

Other than that I couldn't agree more. Being in the computer industry I love the idea of both movies (as a whole) although it's taken way beyond a point in this that even Sandra Bullock would go. I hate when they get in such tech-oblivious people to do the computer work and even more so when they use Hotmail because Microsoft is on board for some of the gadgetry (need I say more?).


this thread holds nothing but absolute thruth.


I agree with the above. It's pretty funny, but this movie wasn't meant to be taken seriously.



Haha.. Couldn't agree with you more...
I personally hates when they spice it up for the (big?) screen (Ok, so it went straight to DVD/VHS...), the computer graphics I mean.

Then all those lame a$$ factuallity goofs... Ohh.. So don't get me started on that one. Well, can't resist either.

Logon with a simple name on friggen MSN, using Windows XP (Tablet PC as ordinary i386, which in it self is quite rare to see in a movie).
She also used an laptop (With XP ofcourse), and WiFi / GSM- or whatever access to the Internet, also she used Outlook (Express I think, could have been the one that comes with Office 2k3), and an account (!!???) that she conjured up from nowhere, with which she sent an e- mail to a friggen bank on a unsecure channel if you will call it that (By that I mean, sending it through the Internet bouncing to it's target which is the banks mail server, which should have brought quite a nice trail of IP- adresses. Certainly a bank wouldn't have direct access to the Internet just like that. Perhaps I should ask some schmoe in my local bank to hand me an e- mail account name so I could send something juicy in that case. I think I could spin around on that goof for another 10- 15 minutes or so, but i leave it at that.

Then there are the technical stuff that really annoys me.
She didn't know that she were traced at all time (Wich I first suspected when she started to talk to that, at present time, stewardess (Yeah, righ was one thought), little too friendly chit- chat, and she handed over an bracelet (Tracking beacon was my imdiate thought right there). Noone is that friendly, atleast not nowadays.), and she slaps on a blood- pack and pre- orchistrated the whole thing, without beeing absolutely certain that someone would come to her aid.. Duh.

That phone were constantly in the scenes. One scene that pissed me off was when she recorded that (imdb says Turkish (voice), and I don't remember, nor do I wanna) guys voice with it. He stated that it could not be overidden, and CERTAINLY NOT WITH AN RECORDED VOICE, and especially from a phone! Before she used that recorded voice we saw her opening the phone, and did something, I assume ripping out the speaker, wich by it self should not be powerful enough, and if it was (One of those metallic membrane for hands free- functions / playing music out loud as well) it would be pointless since it would then be enough as it was, inside the phone that is... Contradictinary as it were...

I've been poking around computers and electronics since 91 when I got my first 'puter, and electricity & electronics I've been fiddeling around with since I was a kid and hotwired mom's knives and forks to the outlet, and afterwards yelled out "Coool", but in swedish ofcourse.
I think it's safe to say I know my way around that stuff.

Oh, I forgot to mention that if there would be a super computer such as "ibrahim", it certainly would not have a graphic interface, but a console, and running UNIX or something simmilar. I'm so fed up with Hollywood tidying up everything for n0obZ and know-nothing-ppl. The right director and consultants could hype it up to look real and RESPECTABLE, and not *beep* on us ppl that actually understands computers, how they work etc! I'm thinking of the computer babble that she exhaust in the early beginning...
Ohh.. I would so love to be an consultant for movies such as these.
I atleast know my *beep* they don't seem to do that by the looks of it.

Right now I'm hyped on coffie and insomnia, so I think I leave it at this before I wright a new how to- manual.
So.. Bye for now and smell you l8r

"-For crying out loud..." *Jack O'Neill - Stargate SG1*


Damn - I thought this was based on a real life event and the names and people were real too. You have destroyed my faith in Hollywood to tell the truth and research it to the "n"th degree for accuracy.

Oh well back to my DVD I just got of Disney's "Hercules" - at least that is based on a true story and real characters that once existed. Amazing how the little guy was born so deformed he looks half goat.


What we learn from this film ;

They took this film by high defination........


and ,
Evil Eyes :)

and II

both main actress were pretty hot.

