The Net 2.0

I am looking forward to seeing the sequel even if Sandra isn't in it. Nikki DeLoach from what I've heard is a breath of fresh air so lets give her a chance to prove that she is a great actress. Yes, it is going to DVD in the States but in Europe it will be shown at the theater.



I, too, enjoyed The Net but this is soooo far from the first that it shouldn't be classified as a sequel.

Nor should it be classified as a movie, but a lowly TV rendering of a poor script.

And poor directing. And camera work. And whatever passes for the score.

Analogy: cutting out pictures from various magazine and pasting them random order and claiming 'Art' - hmmph. 'Tripe' fits.



I don't think this is a sequel to "the net", it's more of an insult.

See my review here



just don't hope too much ....



it's not getting released in europe at the cinema! What makes you think the likes of the UK market would get this?

We probably get only half of all US cinema releases here in the UK at our cinemas, with the rest going straight to video. But never the other way around.

Unless you can prove me wrong?


Well anyways heres what i say about the film. It is probably a half decent film if you havnt seen the original, if you have then prepare to see the exact same film in a new country. The ending was different but still rather crap. If you a geek, this film will probably driver you insane with all the planely wrong computing crap but if you can see past that, then it doesnt get much better.

I have to admit i did think that Nikki Deloach did a good job as the main role, the setting of the film was good. What part did the Russian arms dealer play? i didnt see how that had any relevance to the story, they could have left that bit out and tried to make it a little less confusing (please correct if he was important) IMO i think they put him in so that the sequel is too much like the original.

I wouldnt suggest going to see this at the cinema if you saw the original, but if you have a rainy sunday afternoon or you didnt see the original it might be a good time waster.



After reading people's opinions on here, I watched this with zero expectations and as a result, I didnt think it was that bad. It was not anywhere near the quality of the original, but it was OK (except for the million freeze frame edits that the director and editor seem to think add tension, or something).

"Innocent?Is that supposed to be funny?"
