Is It Really Worth Seeing

Lately, I have been wanting to rent this movie. But I'm not sure if it would be worth it. I want to see it because WOTW is a great story, and I saw Speilburg's and liked it. And I also love Tommy Howell - he is my fave actor. Some people say that it is a good recapture of the story. Others really don't like it. In fact, I hadn't even heard of this version at all until I saw it in the store. For those people who have seen this it worth spending money on renting this movie???? (and is Howell good in it?)

Love me or hate me, you'll never forget me...
*I Love The Outsiders*


For my money, it's the best thing that Ponyboy has done in the last 20 years.


LOL Really??? Ok, I'll take that into consideration. Thanks!!

Love me or hate me, you'll never forget me...
*I Love The Outsiders*




Howell is very good in it and does stay close to what the book is about, one man journey to his family while all hell is going on. Don’t expect much from the movie and you will enjoy it, if you expect too much you will hate it take it for what it is? Do you get me!


Yes, I get you. Thanks for the advice y'all =)

*If you wanna see something funny, it's a hood sticking his tongue out at his big brother =)*


no .. its not worth seeing... trust me.. its not worth sceptical... dont believe me.. go ahead, rent it.. you'll see....


its defenatly worth seeing! tommy is amazing!


I wouldn't give Mr Howel a gushing review for this performance, but he is certainly believable as the "everyman". It works. He proves he is a competent actor.

I think the poster who said "don't expect anything from the movie" summed it up best. They did well for what they had to work with, but don't bring in any hollywood expectations.


Do not waste your time



Anyone who said yes has serious issues. This movie sucked arse. I felt like puking it was sooooooo bad!

When will this smiley war end!?


look it was good, for a direct to video movie and low budget film,
the asylum will get better with age and illstill rent movies by them
and when they do hit it big.
ill still be a fan of theirs keep trying aslyum never give up and we the fans will keep watching your films



I actually think this movie was fantasic and worth every dime even at full price. Not only was the cinematography very well balanced, but the story was dead on with the original. David Latt has proved yet again his mastery as a director. Fans of this film should definately check out another film he produced called Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove... it's a little sardonic in the end but extremely enjoyable nonetheless. And what more can I say about C Thomas Howell ( CT as we like to call him in the biz), unbelieveable acting. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was CT's acting in this film that landed him the role as Kim Bauer's "Boyfriend" in this new season of Fox's hit show 24. I've been called crazy for this numerous times, but I think this is the superior War of the Worlds film compared to the Tom Cruise version.


Oh my God! Someone else has seen Jolly Roger: Massacre at Cutter's Cove!!! It's one of my favorite movies. There's this one scene that I didn't understand though... they drive away from the police station in a Jeep Cherokee, but then a few minutes later, they are driving a Ford Explorer. I don't know if they stopped at the girlfriend's house and switched cars or it was just a mistake, but either way... this movie ROX!!!!



I looked at the directors site.

My favorite film by Latt is Jane White is Sick & Twisted. It was the funniest movie I've ever seen. All in all, it was better than this flick.



I agree with you here. The aliens were definately updated. I think they had six legs in the movie, no? I don't mind a little creative liberty in the actual characters. But on the whole, I thought the story held up. For the budget that the visual effects team had to work with, they performed miracles.


This isn't so bad actualy I have seen Worse. I might have to just add this to my Collection after all and Punish myself with a Viewing of all Four Versions in one sitting.


I have to agree with both of you. The director of this film is a frickin' genius. Why won't hollywood replace that hack Speilberg with a monumental talent like David Latt. Excuse me while I drill another whole in my head and let some air in. Ah, thath..muth..bether. I love...movith.....


I mean, for the budget yes its good. But like I said: Any movie thats made to follow such an epic storyline should have a bigger budget than a childrens lemonade stand.

Its like making the movie Titanic off of a really small budget, it just wouldn't work...

"Don't get high off your own supply."


yeah, that's why this film blew. Not because it is an uninspired knock off.



The worst acting I've seen in decades. The original was much better than this! It was so awful, I couldn't watch it.


I've had this movie at the top of my Netflix queue since it came out on DVD a few weeks ago and was really excited about seeing it. Well, I finally got it in the mail today and just watched it. Man, what a disappointment!!! I haven't seen a film this bad since I don't know when. The special effects were horrible. The acting, like someone else wrote, made me laugh outloud, it was so bad. Too bad it's Saturday evening, because I can't get this stinker back in the mail fast enough! Sheesh!!!!!!!


