the job

so what happened??? did or didn't get the job***** i didnt get this movie

Consequences,schmonsequences as long as im rich


that's up to you to ponder. I think the director wanted the audience to walk away in conversation. He didn't want to just end where Angel gets the job and all smiles but with the ? of did he or didn't he what's going to happen to this kid? We've met Angel, we know him as a character, we see life through his perspective so we should to some degree have an opinon of what we think is to come for him. Now I think Angel got the job. At first everything seemed on the up and up for him. He went back to stay with his friend I believe his name was Raymond. After about a month with them he realized that the money coming in was far from enough to get his own place. and of course we know he burnt a lot of bridges so he was pretty much on his own. Raymond's mother didn't expect to have another mouth to feed especially when the daughter & grandchild moved back in (baby father drama). So after feeling the tension Angel once again left the only roof over his head. Back on the street and trying to hold up a job was bearing too much for him. He slipped back into his ways, left the job and after a another crappy night on the street/shelter he decided to go see the recruiter. A few paper work there, medical test, physical test and boom he's a Marine. I can actually see the last shot to this ending being him taking his military pics, all clean cut and ready for the next chapter in his life. I think Angel will make it jus not on the path he thought(college) but via the military route.

That's just my outlook on that open ending.



Personally, I think the point wasn't whether or not he got the job. When it ended I felt like I was dropped off a cliff. But, then I realized I guess it doesn't really matter if he got the job. The point of the whole movie was to give you a glimpse of this kid's life. To walk in his shoes and feel what he felt. I don't have a clue how you could think he ended up in the military. I think that's the farthest thing from what would happen.
How you came up with that whole scenario is beyond me. He probably did a lot of what he did in the movie. Eeked by from one residence to the next and one disappointment to the next. When we first were introduced to Angel I thought, ok, so when does this kid turn bad? The worst he did was get a bout of anger. This kid had potential and had the misfortune of bad parenting. The question I had was why the hell didn't they take the dad outside and take turns kicking him in the head. That man was horrid. A completely cold blooded human.
I would've liked to seen him kill his step-mom and then waited for his dad to get home and then whack him. He could've lived in the house and taken care of himself. The job btw, obviously was a long shot. What I gathered from the film was that he had no real shot in getting this job and that he would get his hopes shattered there yet again and he would lack the means to get to where he needs to go. Really, it was sad and made me wish I could take him in. He seemed to have a good heart and at least the counselor didn't treat him like some wild teen. It'd be nice if there were 100,000 clones of her in the school system.


It'd be nice if there were 100,000 clones of her in the school system.

It's too bad she decided not to come back to the Bridge Center after her baby was born. That's the impression I got.
