MovieChat Forums > Rohtenburg (2009) Discussion > What's on tonite's menu? ME!!!

What's on tonite's menu? ME!!!

This film shot itself in the foot by not daring to deliver on the morbid carrot dangled in front of the viewers' faces: The visual illustration of the actual deed. Then we have the Keri character totally chickening out & throwing the tape away without even finishing it making her look like a total fool. Just like Joel Schumacher's 8MM, the grindhouse-like promise of the snuff film turns out to be more of a fiasco. I appreciated the 8-millimiter look of some scenes in GRIMM LOVE. I also dug Keri Russell's gothicky make-up. The phallic cake scene made me laugh (sorry for that), it was kinda campy.

Bon Appetit!

