MovieChat Forums > Two Weeks (2006) Discussion > SALLY FIELD - An American Treasure/Brill...

SALLY FIELD - An American Treasure/Brilliant casting

Hopefully this Movie will put Sally Field back on the map. Combining her caliber of acting with genuine likability and staying power, it's like she really is part of the family - so who won't be able to feel their heartcords tugged on watching this film.
Sally has endured thru the years and finally deserves to get a decent role to shine again in. Hopefully it will be three for three - and America does really like Sally Field. It's been been a pleasure to see her grow as an actress from her breakthru as 'Sybil' to her early movie roles in "Heroes" opposite Henry Winkler, "Absence of Malice" opposite Paul Newman, to her genuine comedic talent in "Back Roads" opposite Tommy lee Jones, not to mention her magic chemisty opposite James Cann, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, James Garner. Her extraordinary underrated performance also as a dying mother in 'Forest Gump'. Her suprising role in Televisions "David Copperfield" - I was stunned in the opening few moments. Not to mention her brilliance on 'ER' a couple years back. But the everlasting image of Sally Field is the undertow in a scene from 'Norma Rae' when she asks her church pastor for use of the church for a union meeting - it blows you away, acting at its finest, its very best.
I hope this role brings her more substancial roles down the road, it would be a waste to have her continue in bit parts in teenage comedies. Sally is a bonafide, truely respected and loved American Icon. We do love Sally Field, and that is NO joke.


I work for the airline that loaned N940AE for the filming. I'll be interested to see it on the big screen.



you have NO idea. This is going to be big! Every test screening has come back with amazing results. This is a movie for the housewives. You get sally field on oprah and get all the women teary eyed with the story and the movie and BOOM.. worse than crack. I assume you are a younger male and your parents are still alive. This movie isn't for you. Go see flightplan or something. I'm 20, male, and already love the film. I worked as a PA on there and this is gonna be amazing.


Sally Field is one of the top 5 screen actors of all time. I'll pay to watch her stand on a sidewalk for 2 hours and not say a word.

Tom Hanks has said time and again that she is the best. I agree. Amazing talent. She truly has a gift from God.


I think Sally will do amazing.. Ijust cant wait for this to come out. It feels like it has been forever. The year of 2005 is almost over and it says the movie is supposed to come out 2005..i think.. but I just wish it would COME OUT AL READY!! do you think it will be in theaters and stuff? I am so excited!
