Bisexual women as psychopat killers

Whats up with bisexual women being portrayed as psychopat killers in Hollywood movies? Movies like this, Basic Instinct and certanly more of them i can't remember. If gay or bisexual men would be portrayed this way it would be continually crusified as homophobic etc, but in the case of women it is being tolerated. It's *beep* And what is even the base for this? Straigth women are just as, or even more crazy than bi ones, i know from my experience.

Do you agree?


Yes,i´m agree, but lesbianism is against the natural order of the things!


I don't know. I think it emphasises the point that sexuality can be something that is shaped by social norms (which psychopath killers tend to have abandoned)

I'm pretty sure I have seen movies that have 'effiminate' (if not flamboyantly gay or bi) male villians...but the only one I can think of at the moment, and it's not a very good example, is the James Mason character in Hitchcock's North by Northwest who has a relationship with the Spy Girl Eve but also, it hints, maybe with his henchman Leonard.

Is 'troll' American for 'touché'?


Don't forget Kaspar Guttman and Joel Cairo in The Maltese Falcon! Also:
Massala in Ben Hur
Marcus Licinius Crassus in Spartacus

