MovieChat Forums > Shazam! (2019) Discussion > Saw it this evening with my son......

Saw it this evening with my son......

I'm not one to put downers on the DC movies, I thought Wonder Woman was excellent, Aquaman was OK, and the less said about the Snyder movies the better.

The advertising for Shazam! really obscured the kind of movie it ended up being. Those thinking it would be an outright comedy are going to be disappointed, because in all honesty, most of the funny stuff.... you've seen it in the trailers already.

The movie wasn't Snyder serious, but there certainly was enough of the serious that some of the creature choices and some of the scenes within the movie are questionable given the likely audience that is going to be attracted toward it, especially with Easter Holiday here in the UK.

I personally think some parents are going to question and regret bringing in their sub 9 year old kids to this, because its not quite the movie advertised.

Some of the scenes, with the Sins monsters cut away a little too late from some of the death scenes of some incidental NPC's within the movie, one particular death scene for a female who interviews people about their experiences, I felt was a bit too lingering and too graphic for a movie that will attract young kids.

Some of the Sins monsters, I feel that parents aren't sufficiently warned about before entering the theatre, and if they have young kids, I fully expect them to have nightmares, because at no point are they presented as comedy, they are presented as the monsters they are.

The cameo at the end wasn't the best, because it was clearly obvious that the guy who played the part of the cameo, wasn't the guy who plays the part for DC, otherwise why not show his face?

The VFX were typically good, the acting from all was good, I think the highlight for me was the Freddie character (kid with the crutch), a pretty decent actor and showed the most range out of everyone else, including the adults.

Music was...... well it was simply not memorable at all, I couldn't begin to hum it, and wouldn't be able to pick it out in a multiple choice.

As far as origin movies go, it wasn't the worst, but the problem with the movie was that it didn't focus anywhere near as long as it should on the pitfalls and pratfalls of a child inheriting so much power, and maybe the threat faced by Shazam should have been a bit lesser on his first outing, with a big bad waiting in the wings for the sequel.

I didn't regret seeing it at the Cinema, but simply didn't think they did enough with the concept to warrant all the super gushing praise its received in some quarters.

In a world of super hero movies, it was simply alright, but I think once word of mouth gets out about it, parents will be taking their younger children to see something else, because it really isn't the movie its advertised to be.
