last movie

i heard somewhere that this is seagals last movie and that after hes gonna focus more on directing and writing, anyone heard anything on this?


i hope it will be like that!

cause all his dtv movies except belly of the beast were big *beep* i just hope the next or last three movies will be better again but i doubt it.



i only saw all his dtv movies cause my friend has a rental shop and i watch them for free. i bought only "one" movie after that of him on dvd cause i really liked what i saw. the one was belly of the beast (a great dtv action movie) but the rest i would not spend a cent to watch it a second time. i canĀ“t imagine that someone pay him 4 million usd for one movie, wrong information. his last movie deal for four movies was, for every movie he got only 750.000 usd. that is realistic, too.


If only it was his last movie



i agree



so do i


me too


Van Damme still roughly makes between 4 and 5 mill a movie (probably 5 mill for Asterix 3 if he does it.) Seagal makes up to 5 million. Lundgren between 1 and 2 million.
These companies work on a scheme whereby they pay big bucks for an star to sell the movie. So a typical seagal film will cost 15 million to make say, and if he gets paid 5 million, the actual shooting budget will be around 10 million. Remember when you see these budgets on IMDB, especially a DTV action film, roughly a third of the budget is to get in the lead star. That is also a reason why you don't see any team ups. Seagal, Van Damme and Lundgren are living off the back of the movies they did in the 80's and early 90's.
This B-movie system was started by Golan and Globus in the 80's with the likes of Charles Bronson and Chuck Norris. You buy the name, firstly and worry about the movie second. These studios are known to rush out a movie, knowing full well they can make their money back purely on fan power. Seagal and Van Dammes movies still make the top 20 in rental charts, and worldwide can expect to pull in roughly 40-50 million within a year, in rentals and sales. That is DTV.
It is no surprise they pay big bucks for these guys because their fan bases and the aciton fanbase in general still pull in the bucks. I myself am primarily a Lundgren fan, but I like aciton movies and watch all the VD and Seagal, and now Snipes DTV movies as well.

Look at how bog standard the Foreigner and Out For a Kill were (and all of Stevos other DTV films of recent years.) There is not a great importance on the standard of the film. Because comapnies pay so much money on the star, they have to get the movie done in a limited time period and they know full well that in this partiular genre you can take liberties as long as you have the requisite number of explosions and fist fights. It works that way with Horror pictures.


i agree too :)
