MovieChat Forums > Shadow Man (2006) Discussion > DVD Cover of Shadow Man

DVD Cover of Shadow Man

Here the dvd-cover for the upcoming release of Shadow Man:



No, they didn't! I have pics taken during the filming of the movie and he appears to have lost some weight and it shows. Stop being so negative!




It's pretty obvious you do NOt like him or his movies, so why do you bother going on his site or the site of his movies?? Just like complaining??




harsh words dude. Wait till it comes out then decide if it's a good film or not. Just because it's DTV does not mean its a bad movie, there's been plenty of DTV movies which are much better then Hollywood product. Also if you take a look around at some pics Seagal has lost weight.


Thank you "Deep Rising", it's nice to hear someone with some class writing in and being fair. So much negativity points out a very insecure person.


Jep that's right, Belly of The Beast, Into The Sun and Mercenary For Justice are also good DTV's from Steven Seagal.

But I can't wait when this movie is releashed!!!
I think it would be a great movie!!!


RAAAMMMMMMOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People who hate Seagal should slip in a puddle of aids.


I'm not sure if it is Seagals body, but it does look like a younger picture of him on the box. Submerged had the same look too.



yeah you can easily tell its not his body cause the head is a little crooked to the left


Yes, it was rather obvious the head did not belong to that body (at least in the picture on the cover). However, from different photos taken during the shoot, he appeared to have lost some weight. I think someone could have designed a better cover for the picture DVD. Let's all be fair, and wait until we see the movie before panning it. It may surprise us.


cover looks ok!!!


cover is a fake...


Am I wrong... Is this not the ideal place for Seagal FANS, his movie and career listings. Why is it there are more hate posts than fan posts? Is that a sign of hateful trailer trash that are jobless and have nothing better to do than run around bashing other people to hide their own insecurity of being LOSERS?

How about this... Steven Seagal is in my humble opinion a good actor that while he always portrays (for you simpletons that means plays) the same style character is none the less good. Lately his movies are not Hollywood's desire for big screen they are otherwise decient movies. SO go back to your half frozen TV dinner and watch Hee Haw re-runs, which by the way are out on DVD, so you can go get them when you get your DVD player out of pawn!




you're right... sorry


It's OK.
Quite a poor cover though.
It would be a lot better if they had not stuck Seagal's head onto his photoshopped body!


that is not seagals body. im hoping that is a fake cover cause if its not i dont know who the studio is trying to fool with that *beep*


Where is the dvd cover?
Front and back? i have seen the movie but i dont find a cover?
Sombody help me?


You've seen the movie......??

Please give me a review then??


Movie is NOT to be released until 6/6/6...I think he meant he saw the listing for the movie. The cover is pictured right on the IMDB site under "SHADOWMAN".
