Made In the USA?

When was the last time Seagal made a film in the US?



Shadows of The Past was filmed in Romania. Check the net, if you do not believe me. I'm from Romania and Seagal was here for a little over a month or something like that. He took some time off to get involved in quite A LOT of charity work over here with orphan children, the people affected by the floods, etc. Yup, we had some nasty floods in Romania this summer, really nasty...

So, this movie was filmed for the most part in Romania...



It is not called "Boarderline".. trust me :)



Damn, boy! Do you really know everything? :)
Then tell me this: why isn't Harverster listed in the imdb title list? I don't like this because I cannot add my name to the crew list :D

Cheers back :)


Yes, I can also verify this info is true. I had a relative who had a major part in this movie and also said that S.S. DID a lot of charity work in Romania while he was there. Even if some of you Rip-up artists, don't like his acting work, you should know that he is generous with his time to others. Don't some of you have a life?? You seem to spend all your time critizing others...try looking for some good in people or SHUT UP!! THANKS! Shirlgirl


jockey1-1: You know S.S., or have met him? Ask him if he remembers 'Judo' Gene Lebell. Then watch his kind face change; then he'll give the real reason he doesn't make movies in the US. Because ol' Gene chocked-out S.S. because S.S. was getting ruff with Gene's stunt men S.S. got lippy, challenged Gene to a fight, Gene chocked him out...THEN STEVEN SEGAL CRAPPED HIS PANTS!!! HAHAHA! I don't know about you but I can't take an "action" star seriously after that or even a Marial Artisit for that matter. Don't believe me? Just Google "Gene Lebbel vs Steven Segal", and you'll get plenty of information.




What nonsense? Sad to hear your hero is full of $hit?



ohhhh! Creative. You think of that all by yourself? Can_ass, can I get some ass? Hell yeah. I can guess the only action you get is when you play a little 5 on 1. If I wanted your opinion i'd give it to you, revise it, give to you again, then slap you out.




Then how did you know I was talking to you?


cause u suck rooster and lick ur mammas Tea-Tes, thats how he u homo



u want me to piss off? You piss on your balls cause your c_o_c_k_s so small, go ahead, tell imdb on me



Tell imdb on me...?

you're an idiot.


i'm an idiot mr. canadian, let me spell this out for you really slow alright, seagal knocked up your mom and had you, so every time you make fun of him look in the mirrior, got that... ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...



You whinny bitch! You got my comeback deleted. Couldn't handle it or what!?



Hiro, get a life. You follow me everwhere, read my posts, and carry on like a spoiled child. I told you off! Made you cry. For that I am sorry, get over it.


T wat is what you are and everyone you talk to hates you, just like your fatty mommy



Haha! Baby fake boycries again.
Your other messages got wiped for racism as will this one you fool!

So come on what's wrong with us east asian's? (for the record I'm Japanese, not Chinese P rick).

I think its because maybe some Thai lady boy didn't return the favour of a reach around.

Or maybe because the local Chinese chef refused your sexy offer or maybe even that Japanese blind cripple just plain said 'no' when you offered him money for a good time.

Plus it isn't cool to go around boasting that your a convicted pedophile.



Go FLUCK you self!


Haha good come back ho mo boy




Hiro you are now on my ignore list. You're like a $hit that won't flush. Consider yourself flushed. Beatch!


all canadians are *beep* you piece of *beep* wish america didn't even have to connect to your worthless as country, ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...


Well. It's easy to see you're American. America is like being born with a retarded siamese twin. Even though you hate it in everyway. If you cut it off you'll die. You talk a big game Mendouchebag9, but try this on for size. Travel OUTSIDE of USA and you'll quickly find that 90% of the world would choose to save a Canadian over an American. A$$CLOWN!!


I thought this was for the video game Shadowman..LOL
