MovieChat Forums > The Night Listener (2006) Discussion > what do you think happened to donna as a...

what do you think happened to donna as a child??

i think that the story she made up for the kid was her own story.. minus the disease...
who else agrees

ps. i felt really really sorry for her.. like if i were noone i really would just have gone along with it because she was obviously a very sad person.


The character of Donna was a perfect example of a pathetic excuse for a human. People like that just make me sick, and indulging their fantasy only makes it worse. There's people in this world with real problems and illness, and these sad sacks of sh!t fake it for attention. Awww she's a sad person, well join the friggin club.


supposedly people like Donna had either a sister/mother who was in and out of hosp...or her herself was undergoing long term hosp treatment...thats supposedly the basis of Munchaeuns(sp?)....but then...was it Munchaeuns?


I just got finished reading the book. It's pretty much the same as the movie. The impression I got was that it was Donna herself who was abused as a child. This was her outlet for it.




I felt like the movie (at the end when he asked her what happened to her as a child) was trying to allude her story of abuse was real... Her mothers death was real.... Notice she said her father tried to raise her. He was probably molesting her.

I think every Pedophile should be brought to the street and publiccaly castrated and/or Lobatomized (sp)

"Psychos do NOT, explode, when sunlight hits them I dont care how crazy they are!" - Seth, FDTD
