How to call her bluff

When Noone meets with Donna and reaches a point where he is not convinced that she is telling the truth about Peter, why not say to her, "Tell me now exactly where I can find Peter or I am using this telephone [points to phone] to call the Fuzz and you can explain it all to them!"
But then I suppose we'd have no film. Plus, Noone was accused of, and recognised in himself, his tendency to embellish his own life for his radio audience. I mean, on the plane he told the woman next to him that Peter was his son!



The lie he told on the plane made no sense for me, totally out of character.

Whereas the entire authorship/catfish deal with Donna made me sceptical. Ordinarily it is customary for authors to meet editors and/or someone else from the publisher.

Especially seeing as it's a non-fiction book, you would think the publisher would make proper sure to verify at least the authors identity.

But you yourself said it: There'd be no film.


I cought on when she said that she was sewing him a sweater and needed the dark green to match his eyes....
The airplane scene I thought was just about him wanting it to be real...and not wanting to relay the full story yet. maybe?


Call the cops about what?
She would just say, "Call them."
You think the cops are going to make a blind woman prove the existence of a boy?
