How do they do it?

You know Jordan Hinson didn't ice skate the whole thing in the movie she had a double Breann Brown. I mean ya but I did they make it look like she did it all. Thats incredible.


i sometimes skate at the same rink as breann and i met jordan because i was an extra for the movie, so it was really easy for me to tell them apart. sometimes it was really obvious, especially if they had a shot where you could kinda see breann's face, but if you hadnt ever met either of them then it wasnt as easy to tell them apart.


Acually, she was skating, and I dont see why she wouldn't skate, and also, Kristi Yamagucci was talking about her skating well and stuff, so it was her, and you could see her skating behind the scenes and stuff. I don't know where you get this stupid stuff from.

~~***Erica Donnyell***~~


Often they showed a behind the scenes look at the movie, and Hinson said she had to practice skating a lot for the movie, so I imagine she did some skating.


Omg.. really.. i've skated for a looonf time & i could easily see the difference.
obviously, she had to practice skating! E.g: to flow on the ice easily etc...
but come on! doing those double jumps! it would take at least a year to do them!
and you could see a slight difference between the actress and the real skater. (height, hair style etc..).
infact, if you noticed, in the movie, the camera didn't focus on the person's face during the skating, jumps & spins. duh!

the same thing for the other disney movie ICE PRINCESS! Michelle Trachtenberg learnt some skating but she didn't do those jumps and spins! a canadian or american skater did them!

~Always dream~ <3
=let the fear of striking out, get in your way=


actully in the movie ice princess the actresses did most of the skating only a few really hrad jumps did they have doubles. but the spins were all them it says so on the dvd commentary THEY FRICKIN SAID IT THEMSELVES THAT THEY DID MOST OF IT. they spent 7-8 in training so you would think they got it down.


who knows...but my friend was also one of the stunt doubles and extra hockey players in the movie...she did a great job


i think they have stunt doubles because its dangerous for the actors and actresses to take on such stunts incase of servere injuries or permanent damage.


maybe she did the spins but she didn't do any of the jumps it takes years to learn all that not 7-8 hours for a couple months


ok, let me clarify this for you people. the only times that you see her skating are when its a close up on her face and she's doing arm movements. no jumps. no spins. no footwork. sorry to dissapoint you. she also had a body double for the hockey stuff so most of the that isnt her either.


Yeah actually a girl who skated at my club was in Ice Princess as one of the skating doubles.


I would have though that it was actually her skating because she's got like, the body for it, like she's really thin, like most skaters or gymnasts. Also why would they have a close up of their face when they do a spin or a jump? How are you meant to see the jump?


I made films before simple non famous ones but
They do a close up of the actress then when they do the jump it isn't really her it's the stunt double, but they have 100'zends so that they can see them and decide who looks most like her.
The rest of the Special Effects are proceeded in the editing Suite.
When they edit the film and sequence it properly.

"I know your jealous and laugh at me coz i am different, but it's only coz you're all the same."


Just because someone has the body for skating doesn't mean they can execute double and triple jumps in less than 6 months. It was definitely not all her. She did the basic moves like the stroking around and probably the footwork, but her double did all the jumps.


Point taken


They have stunt doubles in case the actor/actress gets hurt. It doesn't necessarily mean they can't skate.

I myself skate, and I'm positive 7-8 hours wouldn't be enough, unless they didn't leave the ice OR take a break during those long hours.

I am extremely thin (you can see a lot of my spin...), but it proves to be a disadvantage. You are more open to the cold, which makes you stiff. You need to be flexible to do the best spins, so being stiff DOES NOT HELP!!

I passed my gradings the other day!! :-)


...?? how old are u? i don't mean to sound like a know-it-all but c'mon. erryone knows about stunt doubles

It's a life-long obsession;
I'll get over it.


Of course there were stunt doubles and during the senior national championship you could completely tell that it was jordan/katelin!!!!!!!


I don't think there has ever been a hollywood movie without A stunt Double.
They need them, Enough said.
Hollywood would never survive without them.


I skate for 3 hours every week and I must agree, it takes so long to learn a jump or spin. Especially for me. Anyway, I'm gonna go, cya


people I am Only giong to say this once, THER WAS DEFENITLY A STUNT DOUBLE, it clearly says in the credits!


People people people!! jwhitleymail is right. READ THE CREDITS under stunt doubles!!! Like some people have said b4, they wouldn't use the actors to do the dangerous jumps and spins incase of injury, no matter how many hours the actors practice to go on the ice. Do you really think they would put the actors job on the line for making sure that the audience thinks its actually THEM who is skating? NO! If the actors did these stunts themselves then they would be saying byebye to their job in that movie!!!!! Think about it, it's common sense! And for people who think that using stunt doubles is a load of rubbish then READ YOUR MOVIEOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough said...END OF!

I love you Catherine Zeta-Jones - I've just missed an opportunity to meet you, AGAIN!!!


It was so easy to tell them apart, it was sad. I didnt mind the movie but the "lets try to make it think its katelin" and they did a terrible job of it totally ruined the whole thing for me.
