Ronno reminds me of

Kovu off of The Lion King 2. As a kid, not adult. His voice is similar, and so is his additude.

Jasmine Civello


He reminds me of this girl i know who acts like a boy{ sort of}
especially the walking into stuff on purpose!!!!!
'Before you build it up ,What!? You gotta bring it down!'Ty Pennington


I was thinking the same thing, Ronno is kind of like a young Kovu, they both have the green eyes too. :D


I prefer ronno

"What shall we use to fill the empty spaces?"- from 'Empty Spaces' by Roger waters



since i was 4 or 5 yrs old i wanted to see ,like, the dark side of bambi, the bad boy, i wanted to see him more agressive and Ronno seems to fit that new version of a young deer.

"What shall we use to fill the empty spaces?"- from 'Empty Spaces' by Roger waters


They allways have the green eyes dosen't them? And the girls the blue eyes :)


Well, I suppose green is a typical eye color for villains, but that doesn't mean that all villains have green eyes (plus, I'd consider calling Ronno more of an "antagonist" than a villain; Man is the true "villain" in this tale).



Ronno is the buck Bambi fights in the original movie, right? He looks to be one year older than Bambi by the extra tine on his rack.



LOL, that's what she said ^.~ (sorry, couldn't resist!)

I thought Ronno "saved' the movie (along w/ some Great Prince moments). But, they always make the "villians" So stupid! I guess nothing serious COULD happen to him b/c of later in their lives. I did think it was cool they showed him b/c the part w/ him always confused me as a child (in the first movie, obviously, I wondered where he came from...).

If I said you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?


I really liked this characters. He is like a bad, violent, spoiled teenager. A very unusual villain for a Disney movie.
I like him, and this film as well.


Holy crap I was just talking about that today w/ friends! He has the same facial expressions and everything! Phew, I thought I was a freak for thinking that....


trust me: you're not alone. my sister and me watched this movie for the first time over summer, and we both noticed how Ronno acts like the typical spoiled brat archetype you see in sitcoms, cartoons, wherever. I was actually surprised she mentioned it, becuase she's only 12. just goes to show even kids can see things older people can.

Shine your pale light on this empty realm. Share your power with all Nobodies. -Xemnas


Ronno is a really good character and everyone recognize something in him. I know people who are exactly like him. People can call him a bully and everything but deep down I just say he is evil. Only cares about himself and a huge ego, all his actions are centered about his self-satisfactory. :P


lol this is a late reply. it's interesting you say he reminds you of a typical bratty teen, he reminds me of a deer version of Sid from Toy story (!), who also has green eyes and fits that bratty archetype.


I noticed that too. Ronno in the original movie had red eyes, though, so I thought that was a bit weird.

"That body we was me, wasn't it? I was looking at myself..." – Primeval, S1 E5


After reviewing the book the original Bambi was based off of, and reading the things in this forum, I have come to the conclusion that Ronno is not the deer Bambi fought in the first one but his son with the same name. This all makes since to me because,
1:The Ronno in the book was already an adult when Bambi was born.

2:The difference in eye color.

3:Both Ronnos have very different personalities(between book and film)

4:Gobo (Bambi's cousin and friend in book) doesn't make an apperance in either film.


Yeah, I guess. But Kovu was cooler.

"The following is based on true events. Only the names, dates and locations have been changed."


Ronno reminded me of Kovu as well. Not just the green eyes and personality, but also the dark-colored fur. There was also Ronno's notched ear and Kovu's scar.
