Alignment Error or Movie Oops?

When Luster kills the farmer, Joanna states that she is lawful good, yet Sir Osrick (sorry if I can't spell the name) is the only one that is opposed to the 2 bouts of torture that happen. Plus, amnesia was not cast on her during the scene where Luster kills Willam. If she was lawful good, wouldn't she be morally obliged to take action?


That's true. I've thought about it as well, and throughout the movie she seems more neutral good than lawful good to me.


She's a new player. I think you should look at it like this: "the new player forgets to play his alignment in the given situation". Its rather common.


Sir Osric isn't just Lawful Good, he's a _paladin_ - he's probably already violating the oaths against association by being in the same party as Luster. A non-paladin has a lot more leeway.
