If it is so dangerous why does Alaska have these fishing boats go out in the worst weather. Why can't these fishermen fish in summer time? I've been watching since season one, I NEVER understood this. This is just way to much risk at putting all these men's lives at danger to fish Oct-Jan. Is it about money? Well that stinks!!! Seeing as how much EVERYONE helps each other(Coast Guard, other ships, and even Alaska), I just don't get it. Can anyone clear this point up? I'm stumped...


Probably because the summer is when food is available and they grow.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


You would think they have mentioned this or someone have asked them but no. I am sure there is a good reason.


Annual migration cycles.

At certain points during a calendar year, crabs migrate to more shallow waters, which determines the crab fishing seasons. Some species of crab live most of the year in waters that are up to 500 fathoms deep (that's 3000 feet). Can you imagine the amount of rope that would be required on each pot to accommodate those depths?

So like I said, the season depends on the migration cycle of the specific species of crab they are after.

Pulp can move, baby!
