Didn't Take Long...

... for the contrived bullsnot to start. Discovery... if your going to make the crabbers act, SEND THEM TO GET SOME LESSONS.

Scene: The Saga's Deck
Someone "breaks" the coiler with a pallet of frozen bait. Riiiight.

Why does the camera, which SEEMS to be recording the scene, somehow MISS the actual moment the coiler is hit and "broken", and then comes back on AFTER the fact?

Why can't Jake, who's apparently giving an interview at the moment the coiler is "broken", can't see what happened and "hear" all the talk on deck? I mean, Discovery edits and mixes the sound of on-deck conversations as if it's coming over the loudspeaker... why couldn't they have in THIS case?

Go ahead, haters.. ask me why I watch this program.

More later... it's only 25:00 into the 1:25:22. Betcha can't wait, huh?

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


Why haven't you stopped watching this show by now. Every season you make post after post, hating on it.

Your life must be really boring


Mrs.Teller, he's probably some shut in or something. Obviously things are fabricated but it's just entertainment so jeez just relax and change the friggin channel, there other shows to watch.

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


just relax and change the friggin channel

LOL... shut-in must think I watch TV... cute. THAT'S a waste of time by a shut-in... watching TV.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


Why haven't you stopped watching this show by now. Every season you make post after post, hating on it. Your life must be really boring

Because I WANT to watch the show. If you have a problem with that, snowflake... too bad.

Your life must be hell, if someone can insult your intelligence and you not even KNOW it, because that's exactly what Discovery does to their audience to lure them in, and the audience is too stupid or enamored in the cast (fanboys), to know it.

For the last time, moron... I don't "hate" the show... it's the contrived *beep* that would NEVER happen on a REAL fishing boat, that I "hate".

In case you missed it, somehow... I use to be ON boats like that, and know exactly what I'm talking about. Of course, YOU think it's real... you don't seem to have the intelligence to discern reality vs. fantasy.

LOL... shut-in must think I watch TV. THAT'S a waste of time.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


I've already said we know that they make up crap in the show, we're not idiots sweetheart. We don't care about your supposed life on boats like this, move on, you sound bitter. This is not a show I particularly care to watch, it's really just background noise for me whilst my husband watches it but to see someone who has this compulsion to write week after week about the stupidity of the show or to insult the viewers is truly disturbing....you're obsessed and you need help or at least a psychiatrist who enjoys a challenge.

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip! -Sterling Archer


Someone who can't keep themselves from writing to someone who thinks has a compulsion, is obsessive/compulsive herself.

If YOU didn't need a psychiatrist, you would let it go and NOT write me back. WHY do you feel the need to write me, if YOU aren't obsessing? 

It's MY opinion and I'm entitled to it. They may be slowly losing their right to free speech in merry old England, but that gives you no right to try and curb mine, right?

I'm not bitter at all. Obviously, you lack the intelligence a higher power gave a gnat, but I find it annoying when the producers of a reality show, venture off the reservation, and make shyt up.

... we know that they make up crap in the show...

Why are you getting giving me a hard time, for expressing my opinion, when YOUR opinion is the same? Do as I say, not as I do, kind of thing, huh?

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


More regressive liberalism... wanting to shut down free speech, if it doesn't jibe with THEIR ideals.

Sorry... 1st Amendment and all. 

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


You absolutely have the right to say whatever you want about this show. 'Merica!

Having said that, what's the point? If your sole reason for commenting is to crap all over this show and continuously point out things that are "fake", why watch the show?

I think the Kardashians are a huge waste of space and oxygen, but you won't see me on their message boards talking crap about them daily. I just don't watch it. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

This board is for fans of the show, and judging by your comment history on this board, you are not a fan of the show. Quite the opposite, actually.

Pulp can move, baby!


Your best bet is to find entertainment from his posts (they are stunningly entertaining) or ignore them. He ain't changin'.


This board is for fans of the show... you are not a fan of the show.

WHO in the hell told you that load of crap? Bulletin boards are for "fans" only? What are you, 12?

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


Ahhh the ever-popular "you must be 12" argument.

But the fact remains. Only a total asshat would incessantly comment negatively a TV show message board, while at the same time claim they watch the show and enjoy it.

As I said earlier, normal people do not waste their time watching shows that annoy them and make them angry (which clearly this show does to you), then take to the IMDB message board to voice their annoyance and anger regarding said show.


Pulp can move, baby!


But the fact remains. Only a total asshat would incessantly comment negatively a TV show message board, while at the same time claim they watch the show and enjoy it.

Uhhh... that would be considered your OPINION, not a "fact".

Here's the problem: "As 'YOU' said earlier". Who are you to say who and what is said? Who are you to tell someone what they should or shouldn't be watching or commenting on something THEY watch?

Keep your opinions about others' actions to yourself, or do as you say, and only comment POSITIVELY on the show. Using personal attacks ONLY, are the sign of a weak mind. Discuss why you think this show is without fault and how you believe all the crap they make up, instead of complaining about me complaining about the show. That IS juvenile and sure signs of aberrant OCD, if you feel you MUST complain about my complaints. [giggle]

I'll take anything I want to the IMDB boards, to voice MY opinion about the contrived bullsnot that you soak up like the fanboy you are. The show doesn't annoy me... the parts of the show that are made up in the editing room and meetings do. I can still watch the show and be entertained.

My prerogative, not yours.

Doucher? What are you, 14?

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


As I said, you have the right to say whatever you want on this board. That also means that I have the right to criticize what you say. Don't spend your entire day bashing a TV show that you love to hate and expect your idiocy to go unnoticed.

Pulp can move, baby!


Yes... criticize me all you want, but not WHAT I say... tell me HOW I'm wrong, not just get butt-hurt because I say something bad about a show you obviously like. Prove to me that what they do isn't contrived.

My entire day? LOL I have WAY too many things to be doing than "bashing" Deadliest Catch. It isn't hard to do, but no... I won't EVER waste "all day" doing anything related to the show.

You're last sentence is fraught with lies and ad hominem attacks. You HAVE to be a liberal. Firstly? I do not "hate" this show. If I did, you'd never see a word from me about it. I don't watch what I don't like.

Secondly, MY opinion is not idiocy, liberal. If it's idiocy to you, then that's YOUR problem. I TOLD you you were OCD. If you think I'm an idiot, put me on your ignore list, dumb ass.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


For what ?
You to start whining again ?
