On Now: Deadliest Drama

This ain't about crabbin' no mo'... it's Keeping Up with the Crabdashians and their quest to get the little drama kings and queens (AKA fanboys and girls) involved into what Deadliest catch has DEvolved into... captain's drama, and his fights with his minions.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


The only reason I'm even watching is to see what happened with Sig's heart attack


Well, you can find that anywhere on the net, but keep watching... despite all its flaws NOW, it's still interesting, WHEN THEY CATCH (or even DON'T catch) CRAB!

Even that has become sort of a drama... will they catch any crab or WON'T they catch any crab... stayed tuned. It's always the same... either they make it look as though they've hit the mother lode, then go dry, or they show 3 empty pots in a row, and the crew starts pissing and moaning and decrying that the "captain" (quotation marks for Jake Anderson) is worthless. THEN, they hit the mother lode and all is forgotten, "I KNEW the captain knew what he was doing!" [giggle]

Oh, and Jake's antics... purely for the fanboys out there to harp ON Jake's antics. ANY publicity, even negative, is good for the show. Discovery has minions set up to monitor these boards... if people are talkin', they're watchin'.

Simple as that. I'm watchin', but NOT on TV, so their money is wasted on me, and a few other million watchers. 

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


Maybe they will start to do spot checks on laptops to see if alt ---> are both worn smooth. ;-)

All of these shows have one good season until the participants see themselves on the screen and suddenly decide to become actors. That and the agent provacateurs supplied by Discovery in the form of producer/cameramen to incite things and keep the angst flowing. I think Stormchasers lasted the longest in terms of being about the mission and less about the drama, though the IMAX guy had a lot of queen behavior in him at times.

It is interesting how the guys who run a tight ship are the ones who don't last in the show. When it all ends, I'd like to see each captain on a separate one-hour Dr Phil Live show. They could call it demon week as they are all exorcised. My guess is that Edgar is the only one who is semi-normal.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


The first season was without a doubt the best. It was both genuine and tragic.


Maybe they will start to do spot checks on laptops to see if alt ---> are both worn smooth. ;-)

Ah, you saw my little keyboard pic, eh?

THAT you said laptop, instead of keyboard, IS the problem. Discovery knows their largest viewer base is now made of up of either millennials or Gen X and Y children, who all have the attention spans of gnats.

Note to Discovery: millennials and their slightly older brethren Gen XY'ers DON'T buy the crap you advertise. Mommy and daddy might, but don't count on it.

They can't possibly watch 40 minutes of crabbing and have no one stabbing someone in the back or getting into an altercation... they HAVE to have drama. I guess it makes their sad, pathetic lives of having to live with mummy and da, somehow seem better.

I suspect most older adults, like me, have probably given up on this "drama at sea" bullsnot, hence the need to make it into a night time soap opera. 

I love Mike Rowe, but sometimes I have to wonder... does he KNOW that when he narrates this crap, it makes him a liar?

Knowing the Mike Rowe of late, he HAS to have qualms about that.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


Are you one of those old people that yell at clouds?


Only when they delete my collection of black and white silent stag films converted from 8mm to Betamax to VTR to VCR to VCD to DVD to digital. 

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


Awwww... did I hit a nerve, Millennial? Or is it X or Y?

LOL... thought we were on the same side, Justin? I don't know the year you were born, but Justin was number one baby name in 1990. 

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.


My curmudgeon buddies call them gen why (or gen whine).

I've mentioned before that this show is popular among people in 12-step programs because it allows us to relive the past vicariously. I personally have serious doubts that any of them are in recovery based on "how they act" and "where they choose to work." Maybe they never made it to the second part of the first step about "my life was unmanageable." My first sponsor Jack D, while discussing the serenity prayer, stated that "wisdom is the ability to recognize a mistake as you are making it again." From what I see on DC, many are continually making the same mistake (hiring greenhorns who have no chance of making it), allowing the regular deckhands to brutally haze the greenhorn to the point of where they fail time and time again, hiring drug addict friends to work on their boat, ...

I'm still waiting for someone to actually clip on a safety line when going over the side of the stack. Surprised OSHA isn't all over them for procedures that simply define dumb.

And what are these advertisements of which you speak? If one doesn't see a commercial, one isn't miserable about not having something. Explains my 5 yo samsumg slider dumb phone.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Is that a bad thing ?

It must be by the sheer volume of whiny comments you're posting.

No one is forcing you to watch the show kid..


It might be one of the only shows his mommie allows him to watch


Keeping Up with the Crabdashians

I literally LOL at that.....
