MovieChat Forums > Stagedoor (2006) Discussion > But will it be as good as 'Camp'?

But will it be as good as 'Camp'?

The fiction film based on the writer/director's experiences at the very same Stagedoor Manor?


Be as good as Camp?
That won't be too hard considering Camp was pretty terrible.
Anyways, the camera work in this film is horrible. Makes you want to barf.



Yea, it's awesome if you don't know how to spell and live in a basement.



wow, your *beep* up dude, because these kids have more talent in their little pinky then you'll ever have hahaha

OK, when did I ever say anything about "these kids"? Never. And, yeah, maybe they have better acting talent than me, but I'm not an actor. And when it come to film-making, I'm not an idiot.
Stagedoor isn't that great as a film. The camera work alone is so bad it looks like a a ten year old was hired to man the camera. The five kids featured ARE talented, but anyone that has been to a camp like that knows there is much more to these whiny divas behind the scenes. Ms. Shiva(the director)misses this. Then the couselors (ever heard of those who can't do, teach?)are so full of themselves, it's beyond campy. Ms. Shiva had a chance for people to see these kids beyond their crazy, outgoing, "wear our emotions on our sleaves" selves, and see the creativity that really is there. How come alumni (Felicity Huffman, Robert Downey Jr, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Natalie Portman, Zach Braff, Mandy Moore, Reese Witherspoon to name a few) are never mentioned? Maybe that will show people that see this, that true talent CAN come from this place and that these kids CAN see a future in what they are doing.
Instead we see a jumbled, rushed mess, and two demensional view of the "traditional theatre kid".
SO, Am I still *beep*ed up, dude?




This movie was to show what Stagedoor is like.
Not to look beautiful.
The focus is on the children's talent.
And you don't need good camera work to show that.


If you read all of my reply you would have seen that there was more than just the camera work making this bad. This movie did not put Stagedoor in that great of a light. A documentary on this great place could have been done a lot better and Stagedoor should have not let this been released.


well, actually, i was talking to my friend a few minuetes ago, we both go to stagedoor, and she told me about this movie and said that it only showed the wild and crazy side of stagedoor [she mentioned something about a scene on a bus with the OTC kids or something...] and not the other side. the other side is about the people, and the friendships that are made there.

jus tmy two cents, not really judging the movie, i havent seen it, but yeah....i dunno.

"Those are Rain Noises!"-M. Sinelli


It actually seemed to be a real-life version of "Camp". Quite good, in its own way.

"First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red."
