Riot grrrl?

I was a little upset that riot grrl punk was not mentioned once during the entire documentary. I mean, if they could squeeze in time for Limp Bizkit, why not Bratmobile or Bikini Kill? I should probably stop bi-tching and moaning about who they included and disincluded. but really. No riot grrl, at all?

"Do you... enjoy... knives?"
-Harold and Maude


Well it was really about the original punks -- before there was even a word of it... and The Slits were the forerunners of riot grrrl and they were featured extensively. Really, anything post-MTV has not had the impact that these original young people had. There was a time (late 70s, very early 80s) when you risked your life to walk down the street even simply wearing black or bleaching your hair out or chopping it up. Post MTV, the only revolutionary underground movements for kids to create will have to happen with things other than music... like politics, rioting against WTO, maybe writing, performance etc.. *beep* that these corporate *beep* can't package, label and sell.


Yeah, it sucked they didn't cover Riot Grrrl.... It surely is a important movement in punk rock.... especially for girls.

tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd

"walk into this world with you head up high"


I very much agree

Sonic YOUTH, SONIC youth.......Thurston Hearts the Who....


It made somewhat of an impact, but it wasn't really important, certainly not to punk. It happened in the 1990s, for starters, which is long after the end of any real punk relevancy. I would consider it more of an indie rock movement than a punk one, although they tried to identify punk (falsely believing that there was anything left to contribute to it by 1991). I hesitate to even consider it a music movement of any sorts, as much as a (very obnoxious) political movement supported with "music" as practically an afterthought. Punk was supposed to first and foremost be a music movement, with political messages supporting it only as as an option (the first punk bands generally weren't political).


